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Shading of "old" entries on the main page

Dinsdale ๐Ÿšซ

For those of us who have Premier membership, "old" entries (we have already seen) have a different - shaded - background. This applies on the Home page, New Stories and Updates.
For the past few weeks I have been seeing a somewhat different behaviour, although I can only remember having seen it on the Home page.
The home page is displayed with no shading at all, then - in a separate step - all entries after a certain point have the shading introduced. The second stage normally happens a second after the first one, sometimes it is almost instantaneous, but sometimes it can be delayed by anything up to a minute.

Desktop, a Firefox derivate, Linux.
My connection is nominally very fast (300Mb) but can also be very slow on bad days - down to 0.72Mb in one benchmark in early November.
Is what I'm seeing an indication that something has changed with SOL or is it down to my internet connection? SOL is mostly text so it feels strange to me that even 0.72Mb could be too slow for the site.

jimq2 ๐Ÿšซ


I only see about a 1 or 2 second delay for the shading on the home page.

LonelyDad ๐Ÿšซ


The only behavior I have seen that sounds like that is the shading that shows where the story listing started the last time you entered that tab. As an example, I went to another tab on this window, then came back to the main page. Story entries that were not grayed before I left, were now greyed. In other words, the system keeps track of the first entry it displayed this time, and when you come back to this page, all the displayed entries starting with that one are greyed. I think of it as showing me which story entries I have not seen ever, including stories I have previously seen that have been modified since that time.
I hope this is making sense, I don't know how else to describe it.

Replies:   Dinsdale
Dinsdale ๐Ÿšซ


What triggered my starting this thread was:
- I went to the main page, no shading visible.
- I scrolled down a bit and started looking at the timestamps, after a point I was seeing some entries which I'd definitely seen before.
- Scrolling back up to the top, no change.
- Zap! The shading was there.

Not the first time the shading has been delayed - I've learned to check timestamps - but possibly the worst time.
btw, if I'm on the home page, click on something there and subsequently hit the "Back" button, the shading stays the way it was before I moved off that page. This is expected behaviour and I'd be a little bit peeved if it changed (it ain't broke, don't fix it).

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


Is what I'm seeing an indication that something has changed with SOL or is it down to my internet connection?

It could be a combo of things. Your connection could be part.

Yesterday, a bunch of 'security researchers' were hitting the sites hard, especially Bookapy looking for security issues, at some point they managed to make Bookapy's server and the images server slow down to a crawl, so images weren't loading on SOL. I guess they were looking for their christmas bonus.

The home page is cached, so to shade it, the page sends a request to the server to get the user's last visit time to the page and uses that to compare it to the dates of the entries in the page and greys accordingly.

The home page request doesn't hit the database and should be fast. The last visit request, although small, still hits the database and can be slowed down.

Nothing changed on our end other than that heavy hacking attempts yesterday around 10:00am to 12:30pm EST.

Also, several US ISP are experiencing issues. Vixen's ISP wasn't working at all day before yesterday.

Replies:   Dinsdale
Dinsdale ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Thank you for the explanation, it looks as though this is mainly a problem with database access delays.
US ISPs are not a problem for me, unless they are inhibiting access from a different continent. Ships dragging anchors though undersea cables have a larger chance of affecting my access, although there is a lot of redundancy and you would probably also be affected directly or indirectly.

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