Viewing the site on a mobile device, I see that the treatment of the 'random story from the archive' on the home page has changed recently; if I navigate to the home page and the random story is the same as before, the entry is shaded grey (unless it's a premium story, when it remains blue). If I use the back button to revisit the home page after visiting the forums, say, though, the random story remains as it was, and so do the entries below it.
The above behaviour is well and good; no problems. (Especially now that you've cured the glitch that caused a premium random story to be shaded grey). However, things go inconsistent if I visit the home page later and there is a different random story and some new entries below it, and I now use the refresh button. Before the refresh button, the new random story is unshaded, as are the new entries. After refreshing, though, the random story remains unshaded, while everything below it is shaded. Go away from the page, and get back to it by using the home button, and the random story is shaded.
A weird inconsistency, that I probably would not have noticed unless I had not previously noted a variety of behaviours in this area whilst things were being developed/debugged over the last few days. And if you choose to leave the behaviour as is, it wouldn't worry me; it's a very minor discrepancy after all!