I was just looking over my reading history, and I noticed a lot of entries are for stories I downloaded from the posted screens without actually opening the story. Is there a way I an only have it record store I have actually opened?
I normally start my day by looking at the opening page that shows stories just added or updated. I save the ones I want to read later, and the ones latest that have been updated since the last time I was online.
I just want to thank you for running such a wonderful site. I honestly don't know what I would do without it. ASSTR used to be my go-to site, but with its demise you are the last man standing. And that is not a putdown in any way, shape or form. The SOL family of sites far outstrips what ASSTR was in its heyday. I gladly pay my subscription fee must to maintain my access to your sites. I hope you have something you do each day to decompress and just get the idiots out of your head.
Thanks again,
Tim aka loneydad