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Fine Stories

Sandtiger 🚫

General question after a forum search.

Why does Fine Stories have "Jam Jimi" as one of the links on the main page?


Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


Why not?

Replies:   Sandtiger
Sandtiger 🚫

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Sigh, I guess since I don't expect political/opinion stuff on the front page. If you disagree, that's fine. I'll just have to reconsider things.

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


Sigh, I guess since I don't expect political/opinion stuff on the front page.

A link to another site is political opinion stuff?

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son 🚫

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

A link to another site is political opinion stuff?

It's about the content on the site the link points to.

It's all COVID and Climate Change articles. Science stuff yes, but two areas of science that have been heavily influenced by politics.

As strongly as you feel about political discussions on this forum I'm surprised you would have a link on one of your sites to a site like that.

Replies:   StarFleet Carl
StarFleet Carl 🚫

@Dominions Son

As strongly as you feel about political discussions on this forum I'm surprised you would have a link on one of your sites to a site like that.

Why would that surprise you? Isn't Laz allowed to have his own opinions? That's a simple link. You can either follow it or not. Then you can choose to either read the links or not. There's no other interaction.

On a discussion forum, though, and more especially on a site without filters, then things could, can, and will get incredibly heated. Those kind of discussions and interactions aren't what this site is about. The anonymity of the internet, plus the ability to create additional pseudonyms, simply exacerbates that.

There is an online webcomic that is written by a team of Canadians with an 'American' main character that used to be funny - then the author went political and anti-American (and also anti-boomer, too, saying that those of our generation destroyed the planet). The discussion forum there doesn't ALLOW some of the things that could be said unfiltered here. Not just personal attacks, but if you even use words or have compound words, it gets picky and doesn't allow them at times. So much for free and unfettered discussion of the topic the comic itself brings up.

This is a site about stories. They can be quite explicit sexually, or quite gritty from a realism perspective (aka the landing scene in Saving Private Ryan). This forum is to discuss those stories - not current or past politics.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son 🚫

@StarFleet Carl

Isn't Laz allowed to have his own opinions?

Yes. That I was surprised by it is not in any way an expression of disapproval.

Why would that surprise you?

Because my impression was that he is fairly apolitical.

StarFleet Carl 🚫

@Dominions Son

Because my impression was that he is fairly apolitical.

Um - you're going to have to trust me on this one.

Publicly - as the person who runs all these websites, his persona there is quite apolitical. It has to be. Sort of like when I'm with a Real Estate Client. I have a job to do.

In private - and how I know this, like I said, you'll have to trust me - he's probably not as political as I personally am, but he has opinions, the same as any of the rest of us. There's a reason I know this, and if you want to talk to me via PM about it, I'll do so that way. Not here, publicly.

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

@Dominions Son

Because my impression was that he is fairly apolitical.

I do my best to not let politics get in the way of anything I do.

It's funny that people see politics in something that has nothing to do with it. That shows other people's projection reflected onto anything.

That link is a favor to a friend and in no way related to my politics.

Yes, in real life, away from SOL, I do have my own views of the world, which could be considered politics.

Dinsdale 🚫


I see what you mean. It's a link I followed a couple of years ago, registered as "of no interest" and pretty much forgot. Anyone who wants that can head over to BtFH and participate in the "Off Topic" Forum.

awnlee jawking 🚫


Has Jam Jimi died of Covid? It looks to me like the most recent entry is 2 years old.


Replies:   John Brave
John Brave 🚫

@awnlee jawking

Has Jam Jimi died of Covid?

Nope. Just gave up.

I caught covid before the first vaccines rolled out. Felt some discomfort for a week and was done. I didn't know that my kids had covid until by accident they were tested in school. They had no symptoms whatsoever.

It became evident that the truth have no room in this world anymore. People didn't seem to care. I became the bad guy when I started suggesting that the narrative was fishy.

After almost 3 years of covid (and the truths that came out) a huge proportion of people still believe the hoax. Where I live, the busy-bodies are trying to get us back to masking, social distancing and soon enough new lockdowns. As if countries like Sweden don't really exist. The vaccine doesn't stop covid and doesn't seem to do anything useful, yet it's being pushed on the masses as if it's good. As far as I know, the US still requires vaccines for anybody wanting to enter the US β€”and is alone in doing soβ€”, except for walkers across the southern border.

Despite the vaccines' risk for the young, and the proven extremely low risk of actual covid on them, western governments keep encouraging parents to jab their kids. My kids' school requires heart tests for jabbed kids before allowing them to participate in sport, and somehow that's not proof of anything bad about the vaccines that don't stop the spread of covid in any way, shape, or form.

Critical thinking has gone out the window. Actually most people showing critical thinking have been vigorously prosecuted online.

Running a website like jamjimi has proved pointless.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde 🚫

@John Brave

The vaccine doesn't stop covid and doesn't seem to do anything useful

I disagree.

That is not a political statement. Just medical.

The vaccines may not prevent you from getting Covid, but they sure give you a milder version and rarely hospitalization or death.

I live in a retirement community. Before the vaccines, people were afraid to go anywhere. Several got Covid and died. Many knew people who died (my electrician's father refused the vaccine and died). Then after everyone was vaccinated, people started traveling again. Everyone I know got Covid from their international travels. But no one got a bad case. Even my wife came back from Canada with Covid, but not severe. The couple we hung out with most of the trip got Covid in Canada and had to fly home early. I have no idea if I had it. I kept testing negative but the home tests aren't that accurate.

The point is, those who were fully vaccinated and boosted only got a mild case.

So I'm grateful we have the vaccine. I've had the two shots, then the two boosters, and then the latest omicron booster.

I also took a flu shot.

Replies:   John Brave
John Brave 🚫

@Switch Blayde

but they sure give you a milder version and rarely hospitalization or death.

Maybe, maybe not. You can't prove your statement. Due to how mild the effect of covid on most people is, you can never be sure whether it's the vaccine or the person's own immunity. The whole point that "anti-vaxxers" try to make is that there are no long term studies and no large numbers studies to support the vaccines' effectiveness. Now they're gathering that data.

I know several elderly people who got the vaccine and the boosters and died from covid. My mother got covid before she was vaccinated, her own sister was vaccinated as soon as she could. Both got Covid this past summer at the same time, my mother recovered before her sister. My mother's neighbour got covid before the vaccines were available, he was 92 years old. He's still alive. Covid felt like a cold to him.

All anecdotes, and one can't say one way or another whether the vaccine helped or hindered. There is just no way to know for any particular person.

But what remains true is the fact that the vaccine doesn't stop the spread, it doesn't even slow it down, so its social benefit is zero since it doesn't stop the infected from passing covid on.

So vaccine passports and the vaccine mandates don't make any sense.

If you believe that the vaccine protects you from severe illness, then you're absolutely free to get jabbed even 10 times if you wish you're free, but why should I or my kids be forced to get injected with something that doesn't benefit anybody else except the pocket of the vaccine manufacturers.

I've had covid and I know the risk, why can't I make my decision for myself? I'm willing to take the risk, and it's none of anybody else's business what I do with my body or life.

Replies:   Dinsdale
Dinsdale 🚫

@John Brave

The region I live in has a population of around 6.3 million.
The death rates before the first vaccine came out were:
- almost 25% in the over 80's
- around 5% in the 60-79 range, mostly at the upper end.
- around 1% in the 35-59 range.
Since then it's dropped to 7.5%, 1% and 0.05% respectively, and that includes the carnage at the start.
Your blood group is also supposed to play a role, mine is a low-risk one and my family members have not had serious problems.

Replies:   John Brave
John Brave 🚫


The death rates before the first vaccine came out were:
- almost 25% in the over 80's
- around 5% in the 60-79 range, mostly at the upper end.
- around 1% in the 35-59 range.

Those are huge death rates compared to all the data I've seen before. The highest I've seen for over 80 are between 11% and 12%.

The scariest thing about Covid is that it was 'Novel' as in not familiar to humanity. So nothing is certain with regards to its initial effect. But, like all diseases, once it starts spreading, humanity starts to build immunity.

One thing most people don't understand is viral load. How big is the initial exposure of an individual? If you're in the vulnerable group and you get a big dose of the virus (somebody sneezes or coughs directly in your face as you inhale), your chance of severe disease or even death is big as you get too many viruses that start invading your body and your immune system may get overwhelmed. However, if you catch a small quantity while passing where some are hanging in the air, then you may or may not even exhibit any symptoms as your immune system may be able to get over the infection quickly, and you build immunity without realizing it. More people on average get exposed to a lower viral load than a big viral load. So immunity spreads undetected.

So the longer humanity is exposed to the virus, the lower the death rates, with or without a vaccine. Not saying the vaccine didn't help, but the lower rates are not all the effect of the availability and widespread use of the vaccine.

Do you have a link to this data and may I ask where in the world are you located?

Replies:   Dinsdale
Dinsdale 🚫

@John Brave

I'm in Germany - this is one "State" here and the figures are broadly typical. Some states had better figures but two (Saxony and Thuringen) were significantly worse and I can only guess why.
There are several sites which show a selection of the current figures along some cumulative totals. One problem is that they are updated daily and I know of no snapshots, another is that https://www.corona-in-zahlen.de/bundeslaender/hessen/ is in German.
That link does have graphs showing infections and deaths - you can pretty much see the totals on various dates there - but those graphs are not broken down by age-group.
There are links to the same data for the other states at the bottom and you can see that the lethality was much higher for those two states I named.

Sandtiger 🚫



I really didn't mean this to go so far.

For whatever reason, I trusted Lazeez's links to lead me to places I would want to go (finestories, bookbub, scifistories).

When it took me to a page that I felt wasn't appropriate, I questioned it.

I personally, have taken the shots and wear masks. I guess that makes me a lunatic.

Replies:   John Brave
John Brave 🚫


I personally, have taken the shots and wear masks. I guess that makes me a lunatic.

No, that makes you free to do whatever you think is best for you. If that is something you did of your own volition, then nobody has the right to question you.

I want the same freedom to not do these things; especially now that it's proven that those things never helped the group and only affect the person doing them.

Replies:   Dinsdale
Dinsdale 🚫

@John Brave

They did "help the group" to a certain extent, they prevented the hospitals from being overwhelmed. It's been a while since I looked at the figures for the ICU units but some of them had over 90% occupancy by Covid cases at some points (again, in the state where I live).

Replies:   John Brave
John Brave 🚫


They did "help the group" to a certain extent, they prevented the hospitals from being overwhelmed.

Maybe that's what happened wherever you are. It definitely was the narrative everywhere.

However, my own experience pushed me into the conspiracy theory territory.

Back in the summer of 2020, when full lockdowns were in effect and when we were told that the hospitals were being overrun with covid cases and you read everywhere that there was a shortage of ventilators everywhere and people were dying everywhere, I got into a car accident. My wife got injured and we were taken to the hospital.

The same hospital we were told was overrun and crowded and had no beds available for everyday sick people. The hospital where my father couldn't go for his cancer treatment.

I walked around that hospital. It was practically empty. Maybe they were empty in anticipation of a rush of covid patients, but for the week that my wife was in that hospital, the whole wing we were in was fairly empty. Over 90% of beds were empty. Granted, I didn't go to the ICU, but it would be so weird if the ICU was at full capacity and the rest of the hospital was empty. Meanwhile, the news channels in town were constantly saying to stay away from the hospital as it was full, in contradiction of what I could see with my eyes.

If I hadn't been in the accident, I wouldn't have been allowed into the hospital, but once inside it sounded like a sick joke. My father died of cancer in the fall of 2020. He may have survived had he been allowed into the hospital in the summer prior. I don't know.

Remember all those videos online of nurses and doctors dancing? Does that sound like a group of people that were exhausted? A two minute video doesn't just happen spontaneously in two minutes. They practice and they do several takes and that takes time. Does that sounds like a busy and tired bunch? or a group that has nothing better to do?

Again, anecdote, but an anecdote for a hospital that had 1700 beds.

Replies:   Dinsdale  Pixy
Dinsdale 🚫

@John Brave

I had an operation in Feb 2021, but not in a hospital where they looked after Covid cases. It was arranged at short notice (a week?) almost as soon as I knew what was causing my "problem".
Someone I know here (in a different State) underwent cancer treatment some time around 2020/21. I never asked him the details but he was fine a couple of months back.

Replies:   John Brave
John Brave 🚫


Clearly different places handled Covid differently. Your experience doesn't invalidate mine, neither mine yours.

Maybe I wouldn't be personally as resentful had my father not died or had I not seen the countless empty beds in that hospital.

China is still pursuing a Zero Covid policy despite the overwhelming evidence that it doesn't work. Florida is completely open and working well. Sweden never locked down.

Hopefully we can one day bring to justice those who abused their power and forced on the general public a vaccine that they knew didn't stop the spread. And who still want to enact anti-human policies despite of all the evidence that have already emerged in the last 3 years of the foolishness of their decisions.

All the people who lost their jobs and their livelihoods, and some lost their lives deserve justice.

Replies:   Keet  Dinsdale
Keet 🚫

@John Brave

Clearly different places handled Covid differently. Your experience doesn't invalidate mine, neither mine yours.

My daughter is a Registered Nurse at a hospital just a stones throw away from my house. They have had long periods where they were overrun with Covid patients. She works at the lung wing where special areas were isolated for Covid cases. So from direct experience: yes, there were many Covid cases, and yes many died, and yes definitely confirmed as Covid deaths. Recently there was a little uprise in Covid cases but that seems to be dwindling down already. Nothing compared to the first year which was disastrous.

Dinsdale 🚫

@John Brave

A vaccine can have two effects, stop you getting the disease or reduce the "intensity". From what I can see the Covid vaccines reduced the intensity and the death rate dropped accordingly.
Having said that, I know a couple where they picked Covid up in February. She is fine but he has been having all kinds of health problems ever since. No guarantees.

Pixy 🚫

@John Brave

I walked around that hospital. It was practically empty. Maybe they were empty in anticipation of a rush of covid patients, but for the week that my wife was in that hospital, the whole wing we were in was fairly empty.

I have family in healthcare in various sites around the UK, and whilst this is the UK, I'm sure similar happened elsewhere, but to quickly answer your question as to why the hospital appeared 'empty', it was because all routine operations were cancelled except for emergency and cancer patients. And apparently many cancer patients were so scared of catching Covid (Immune compromised because of treatment) that they never turned up, or skipped chemo sessions.

Also, not one of them believes Covid was a hoax, (Indeed, the anti-vax movement drives them to rage- so we carefully don't mention anti-vax when around them) and they are in the profession, so I'm going to side with them.

One thing that they have mentioned often, is that there doesn't actually appear to be any rhyme or reason as to how badly it will effect you, until you catch it and find out.

I know at the start of Covid, many of them were severely distressed at the speed at which patients declined, especially before treatment options were discovered. At the start, regardless of age or health status, if you were ill enough with Covid to be hospitalised, then your outlook for getting back out was less than 50/50 and the decision whether you left in a box or on foot was decided for you within hours, not days.

Treatment is a lot better now, as is the prognosis, but at the start, it was poor and what a lot of people don't realise, is that ICU care ranges from basically one on one, to several medical staff needed just for one individual. If you need ten medical staff to care for just one individual for a twelve hour shift, and if you have 'just' ten Covid patients, then potentially you are looking at twenty people per twenty four hours looking after one person. If you have ten Covid cases, then that's potentially two hundred people needed... Two hundred people not looking after other patients... Lockdown was NEVER about reducing spread in the aim of eliminating it, it was all about ensuring the medical staff were not overwhelmed. In that regard, it worked.

Stolen 🚫


I want to point out that any virus, whether RNA or DNA, is tremendously weak and humans can easily fight off viruses with the immune system unless the immune system is not working. I have Tetanus and I never got the antitoxin for it. Compared to the puny, weak Covid Crap, Tetanus is very powerful. Oxygen is more important than a weak, puny virus, so don't wear a mask. Wearing a mask is worse than the vaccine. Even still, the Covid virus and all of its variations could be false, so it is not worth losing oxygen due to a weak or false virus.

Replies:   Pixy  Kidder74  John Demille
Pixy 🚫


Wearing a mask does not stop you from taking in oxygen, in fact, it actually removes a lot of human created pollutants from the atmosphere that impairs you from taking in oxygen. So, ironically, it would help you to breath better because less contaminants and more oxygen is getting into your lungs...

For years the Western world has laughed at the Japanese for wearing masks in urban environments. Turns out that they weren't wrong... I wonder who is laughing now...

Kidder74 🚫


Say what??? I guess all those doctors, dentists, nurses, and other health providers who wear masks (and actually wear them properly) for long periods of time day in and day out are all oxygen-deprived and killing themselves?

John Demille 🚫


I want to point out that any virus, whether RNA or DNA, is tremendously weak and humans can easily fight off viruses with the immune system unless the immune system is not working. I have Tetanus and I never got the antitoxin for it.

While I think there is a tremendous amount of bullshit being shovelled around covid, and various agencies and government are using it to expand their own power immensely and make money by the bucket, you are very mistaken.

Masks, proper N95 masks block a lot of things that you may not want to enter your system like viruses and they don't affect the amount of oxygen enough for it to be a problem.

Yes, the bullshit masks that most people wore (cloth masks and surgical - non-N95 masks) are counter-productive and may make things worse because by holding onto humidity from your breath, they may make it easier for the virus to survive longer and get into your system.

As for your immune system, while it's very versatile and gets rid of most things that want to use your body as host, it's not a perfect system. Do you want to test your immunity with an ebola virus? Yes, the covid virus is weak and mortality is low enough that one shouldn't worry about it more than the flu virus, and your system could easily beat it just like mine did, but to say that you don't need any help in ALL cases is simply foolish. Just go look up the mortality of the Rabies virus without medication. While covid is not one of them, there are a lot of viruses out there that can easily kill you.

But you're right in the case of the Gene-therapy being peddled as a vaccine for Covid. There is a lot of bullshit and suspicious things going on there.

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