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Theme sometimes ignored

rav ๐Ÿšซ

I have the Classic theme selected (because I find it easier to scan), and sometimes the site shows me a stories list page without applying the theme. (For example, there are no boxes around any of the stories, and the data is laid out in a different format than I am used to.)

When that happens, it's usually very difficult for me to force the site to show me the page in the Classic theme (many iterations of Force Reload in Chrome). But if I'm looking at (for example) the New Stories page, it usually corrects itself when I go to another page, but when I come back to the original page it will remain broken. This used to happen once in a blue moon, but recently it has been happening multiple times each week.

I'm using the latest version of Chrome.

Grant ๐Ÿšซ


Noticed similar behaviour myself.
Win10, using Edge (latest version).

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


I haven't touched the themes code on the site since I switched the default to modern with auto-dark-mode many, many months ago.

It sounds like a problem with your browser.

I haven't seen any manifestation of the problem in all my browsing of any of the sites.

Although, I don't use google's spyware or any of its offsprings to browse the site. So try a different browser like Firefox and see if the problem happens using that.

rav ๐Ÿšซ


It's your site, so you can do what you want. But I am convinced that it is not a problem with my browser.

After seeing the problem again, I used Chrome's Inspector to see all the files that were downloaded on the stories page, and downloaded them to examine them. The HTML code for stories list on the broken page is completely different from the HTML code for the stories list on the working page. (After downloading the broken page, I refreshed until I got the working page.)

The working classic theme page uses a table (with appropriate tr and td elements) to display the list of stories. The broken page uses an unordered list (with an li element for each story and div elements inside).

I then edited the downloaded web pages to look for t-classic3.css in the current directory, then viewed the broken page in Safari and Firefox, and both rendered it pretty much the same as Chrome. The working page rendered as expected. So the web server is definitely sending the wrong HTML when this problem occurs. (If I had to guess, it's sending the html that is designed to work with one of the other themes.) I have no idea why it never occurs for you with Firefox, but I personally don't believe that Chrome has anything to do with it. (The fact that Grant sees the problem in Edge isn't conclusive, since Edge uses Chromium.) If you want me to zip up the downloaded files to send to you, let me know.

Replies:   madnige
madnige ๐Ÿšซ


It sounds to me like you may be being served the mobile view; if you have an icon of a computer ('Large view'), try clicking that (maybe if you've got the icon for the phone -'Mobile'-, click to force mobile view then click the computer icon to return). I don't know how Lazeez differentiates between a mobile device and a computer, but possibly an intersection of your setup and something that Chrome is doing confuses that decision. If you look near the top of the (duff) HTML for the @import url('/res/css/t-xxx.css'); line and it's t-mobile.css that's pretty indicative that the wrong content is being served because the wrong device has been identified; the bit between t- and .css should match your selected theme and what's being sent is important diagnostic information.

Edit - corrected .css URL. Also, watch out for the browser caching pages and serving you an 'old' copy because it thinks the page hasn't changed.

Replies:   rav
rav ๐Ÿšซ


Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, that's not what is happening. I downloaded the html that was bad, and not only does it use t-classic3.css as its only css file, but it has a link that says, "Switch to Mobile view".

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