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Naked in School: But set in Hogwarts

Eddie Davidson 🚫

What about a Naked in School story, except it is set in Hogwarts.

"Okay boys, Wands up!" would take on a whole new meaning.

Replies:   Not_a_ID  Mushroom
blackjack2145309 🚫

Admittedly i only peeked at the series the OP refers to so i don't know much about it. But to put my two cents in, i think this needs something different though....

The top examples i can think of is a "nude raygun" type story, but instead of a raygun make it an artifact instead. Or have a spell go hilariously awry and obliterate every stitch of clothing within the walls of hogwartz.

Replies:   Eddie Davidson
Eddie Davidson 🚫


There are tons of nude in school stories.

The basic premise is that the "Program" has come to the school. Students are expected to learn to appreciate the body and acceptance.

The reason for being chosen is often that they are extroverts - and there is a scholarship program.

There is also disciplinary programs for willful students who dont' take their grades seriously.

I've also seen it done more at random. There is usually two or a few more students who have to participate. They generaly are also used for art modeling etc - so at Hogwarts they could be used for magical classes as subjects in their experimenrs . ..transformation spells etc-etc.

Typically, it is told from the perspective of one character who is usually afraid of being naked in public. It is sort ofa great permise for being naked at school while almost everyone else is clothed.

So rather than zap someone to strip them into streaking, they have to choose to leave their room completely naked and roam the halls/classes naked.

If you could imagine Emma Watson being one of those in the program - this story would sell it self. Unfortunately, I am not as well versed on Hogwarts mythos to be able to craft a proper story about it.

Ferrum1 🚫

Never could get into the NIS universe. The idea just seems too silly because it's always set in a regular world.

Now, if you set it in Hogwarts.... that'd be something different enough, I think, that I wouldn't have a problem with the suspension of disbelief.

And I do really like the idea of a spell gone wrong. I've always said that there should a ton of things like that going on when you mix teenagers with magic. Finding an artifact and accidentally setting it off.... sounds like something an overeager bookworm would do!

AO3 has quite a few Potterverse stories, but I note they are decidedly lacking here on SOL.

Dominions Son 🚫


And I do really like the idea of a spell gone wrong.

Or used maliciously by a perverted teen. Something like a curse that makes any clothes worn by the victim disintegrate.

blackjack2145309 🚫


Never could get into the NIS universe. The idea just seems too silly because it's always set in a regular world.

Admittedly this describes how it is for me with the NIS universe as well.

And I do really like the idea of a spell gone wrong. I've always said that there should a ton of things like that going on when you mix teenagers with magic. Finding an artifact and accidentally setting it off.... sounds like something an overeager bookworm would do!

I'm inclined to agree with this, because to me in a real world hogwartz i just have to think that a lot of sexual hijinx happen when you mix teenagers with magic. Also when i'm talking about hijinx i'm talking about the full spectrum of sexual situations.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son 🚫


a lot of sexual hijinx happen when you mix teenagers with magic.

Or just plain hijinx that weren't necessarily intended to be sexual. A lot of pranks and fights. And with the students having access to magic, if you think the pranks and fights won't involve magic...

Replies:   blackjack2145309
blackjack2145309 🚫

@Dominions Son

Yea i can see that to, like it's been said previously things happen when you mix teenagers and magic.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son 🚫


Can you say wizard wedgie?

blackjack2145309 🚫


by the way Ferrum, what the hell is AO3?

Replies:   Dominions Son  karactr
Dominions Son 🚫


by the way Ferrum, what the hell is AO3?

It's a fan fiction site. Well, no just fiction, all kinds of fan created content.

Replies:   richardshagrin
richardshagrin 🚫

@Dominions Son


"Why is archive of our own called ao3?
The acronym " AO3 " comes from the initials of the English site title Archive of Our Ownβ€”an A and three O's. The Archive of Our Own is a noncommercial and nonprofit central hosting site for transformative fanworks such as fanfiction and, in the future, fanart, fan videos, and podfic."

karactr 🚫


by the way Ferrum, what the hell is AO3?


Reluctant_Sir 🚫

With Hogwarts as the scene, I can foresee several humorous asides when the clothes go away... Crab and Goyle being revealed to have micro-penis, while Neville Longbottom is hung like a mule and several of the young witches to try find a place for their cauldrons when it turns out Colin Creevy's nickname back home is Tripod.

It turns out Hagrid was not wearing a coat after all, that is his pelt, while Minerva McGonegal has been using a concealment charm to hide her bounteous bosoms.

Three of the Ravenclaws get in trouble mid-semester when they are found kneeling, heads down and butts up in front of the Whomping Willow. They tried to play it off but the enchanted ball gags were a dead giveaway.

Snape is certain students are stealing ingredients from his classroom when common bits of several different potions turn up missing. Among the potion recipes he suspects are anti-pregnancy, spanish fly and love potions.

I think it could be a riot. I don't normally read fan fiction, most of it is pretty cringy, but I would be tempted to give that read.

blackjack2145309 🚫

Hehe, now that i think about it, i realize that if you look at various school sex story scenarios and add in magic you just don't know what will happen....

Remus2 🚫

Probably showing some ignorance here, but how would an author get around copyright laws if they mentioned specific places and characters from Rowling's works?

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son 🚫


but how would an author get around copyright laws if they mentioned specific places and characters from Rowling's works?

They probably wouldn't have to get around it. Rowling has taken a permissive stance on Harry Potter fan fiction.


Though she might not be as happy with x-rated fan fiction that became widely popular.

Replies:   awnlee jawking
awnlee jawking 🚫

@Dominions Son

Though she might not be as happy with x-rated fan fiction that became widely popular.

She might be jealous ;-)


Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son 🚫

@awnlee jawking

She might be jealous ;-)

No, the original Harry Potter books were written as children's stories.

From the link I posted above:

"If young children were to stumble on Harry Potter in a an x-rated story, that would be a problem."

Replies:   awnlee jawking
awnlee jawking 🚫

@Dominions Son

The two are not mutually exclusive. Have you read a convincing erotic scene by JKR?


Ferrum1 🚫

The single biggest problem I had with the JKR stories is how completely "unrealistic" it tends to be. There's just no way any school of magic would allow kids to run around casting jinxes at each other. That'd be like a school in the real world allowing kids to have BB guns.

How could they have this huge library that stretches to the horizon and has every book on magic ever written.... but they only ever use a handful of spells. Never any talk of nuance, variations, equally effective spells from other countries, etc.

Or, how a kid that's not even graduated can be as powerful, savvy and capable as a Grandmaster with a hundred years more life experience.

You can kill a man slowly by setting him on fire, but use the AK spell to kill him quickly.... and that's "Unforgivable"???

In Fan Fiction, a lot of this is addressed. Of course, I tend to read the stories that are labeled as adult, mature, or explicit just so I don't have to deal with teeny-bopper nonsense. It's pretty much ruined the movies for me since I can't watch them without thinking about how the characters acted in the various stories I've read. :D

Going back to the idea of spells gone wrong and hijinks ensuing, WestOrEast wrote an interesting tale, "Hermione's New Lesson Plan", which I thought was intriguing. While there were some technical problems with the writing, the idea really got my attention. Sadly, he doesn't have any intentions of continuing the story. :(

Confund Us, by RavenKing, was very nice, too. It doesn't deal with things like NIS, but it was a fun exploration of how a spell can be misunderstood, and how things can build. It was very entertaining to watch as things got progressively more wrong. Change one little thing and the consequences can be pretty big.

For me, I prefer stories that have unintended consequences and unforeseen problems. That's just realistic and relatable even if the universe it's set in is fantastical.

I'm not a writer by any stretch, but I actually tried writing a Potter Fan Fiction based on a story I'd read on AO3. My first attempt at writing, and it shows, but I figure there might be something worthwhile in the 70,000 words once a decent writer/editor takes the red pen to it.

Replies:   Remus2  awnlee jawking
Remus2 🚫


The single biggest problem I had with the JKR stories is how completely "unrealistic" it tends to be.

It's fiction and a world she created. Good, bad, or indifferent it's still her creation. Terms such as realistic and unrealistic don't really apply to a fantasy world. Your choice is to read, or not, watch or not.
My children have read them, watched the movies, etc. We've discussed some of the moral and ethical points it brought up to them, but I've always emphasized the 'fantasy' element during such discussions. Beyond that, I'm in the indifferent camp.

Replies:   Ferrum1
Ferrum1 🚫


I say unrealistic as it relates to the world it's set in. I don't expect magical being to be fully compliant with our earth, but there are commonalities that need to be adhered to. Some things just wouldn't happen because people are people, kids are kids, and it would necessarily mean there'd have to be some kinds of safeguards or countermeasures in place.

That they can use magic to overcome the laws of physics doesn't mean that the laws of physics don't exist.

awnlee jawking 🚫


For me, I prefer stories that have unintended consequences and unforeseen problems.

I know of a story for which the description reads: "A witch's curse backfires."

Just sayin ...


Dominions Son 🚫

There's just no way any school of magic would allow kids to run around casting jinxes at each other.

How exactly would you expect them to stop it? And it would still be better than letting kids with the ability learn on their own, completely unsupervised.

How could they have this huge library that stretches to the horizon and has every book on magic ever written.... but they only ever use a handful of spells. Never any talk of nuance, variations, equally effective spells from other countries, etc.

Are you referring to the books, or the movies? That kind of nuance probably wouldn't work in film.

Replies:   Ferrum1
Ferrum1 🚫

@Dominions Son

How would they stop it? That's easy. They're supposed to be teachers and experienced magic-users, right?

Imagine your average school today where all the kids were given loaded weapons. At first, it's just bb guns. As they grow and learn, they work their way up to fully-automatic machine pistols that they can easily tote around all day long.

Does it make any sense at all for there to be no rules, safeguards, etc? Wouldn't the school have evolved from the beginning to have safety measures in place? What parents would send their kids to a place that would see them hit by jinxes and curses every single day? If you thought bullying was bad IRL, it'd be orders of magnitude worse if the kids were armed!! :O

This isn't about the kids learning on their own because that's equally as unrealistic. it's not an either-or situation, but a matter of how things evolve over time to actually protect and educate children. We love our kids, so there's just no way it's realistic to say we'd send them into a school where there aren't any protections against being attacked -- especially when we know there's a whole "house" filled with snakes and Death Eaters are a thing.

Which brings us back to my earlier point about realism. We're talking about sexual hijinks ensuing.... which necessarily means there'd be nonconsensual events happening. Magic is everywhere and everyone is armed. Thus, you can expect there to be a lot of problems as the hormones are raging and the frontal lobe isn't fully developed.

To stop it.... I'd see something like all wands being confiscated at the door, only to be handed out in classes and practice sessions when the kids are under close supervision. You might own the wand, but that doesn't mean you get to carry it everywhere, firing off shots at anyone that displeases you for some reason. We wouldn't do this with firearms, even if it's just a lowly bb gun that can't actually kill a person. Why then would we do it with magic?

Maybe it's something like a magical collar or bracelet that constrains the wearer's magic until the teacher unlocks it. Again, it's for the benefit of the children, and they all look forward to the day they graduate or come of age, so the thing can be taken off.

It's not unrealistic to think that might happen in a world that has magic and where it's known that toddlers can have bursts of magic from their subconscious. Why wouldn't they develop a safeguard to protect the child and the world around them if such events are fairly standard?

In my opinion, JKR was extremely lazy with her world-building. There are too many inconsistencies that simply don't make sense no matter how you look at them. I know it was a popular thing for the juvenile crowd, but that doesn't mean it was actually well thought out or an example of magnificent writing. A good bit of the Fan Fiction has proven to be far better, imo.

I will say, though, that I was very happy with the Overarching Moral of the story -- teaching kids from an early age how to handle weapons and fight evil. That's a good moral and you have to wonder why we relegate that to the realm of fantasy when it should be a part of every school curriculum.

Dominions Son 🚫


Does it make any sense at all for there to be no rules, safeguards, etc? Wouldn't the school have evolved from the beginning to have safety measures in place?

No, of course there would be rules. Yes, there would be safety measures. I have a hard time imagining that these would be 100% effective.

To stop it.... I'd see something like all wands being confiscated at the door, only to be handed out in classes and practice sessions when the kids are under close supervision. You might own the wand, but that doesn't mean you get to carry it everywhere, firing off shots at anyone that displeases you for some reason.

Presumes that the wands are a necessity as opposed to an aid.

Maybe it's something like a magical collar or bracelet that constrains the wearer's magic until the teacher unlocks it. Again, it's for the benefit of the children, and they all look forward to the day they graduate or come of age, so the thing can be taken off.

And of course the kids would never figure out a way to get out of them on their own.

And you haven't addressed whether you are criticizing the books or the movies.

Replies:   Ferrum1
Ferrum1 🚫

@Dominions Son

Nothing in the real world is 100% effective, but.... we're talking about magic and quite a few of the things they've talked about are 100% effective. But, even if it stopped 90% of attacks and whatnot, that'd be a far better thing than what we saw in the canon.

The wands are a necessity in that universe. While "wandless" magic is possible, it's very difficult and only the best are able to pull it off. Lots of training is needed, which is exactly where you'd expect to find the most reasonable and mature students -- the ones that don't need constant watching around dangerous implements.

Yea, kids might just figure things out on their own, but that's why the adults would be geared towards finding and stopping such things just like they do in the real world. In the canon, the "solution" was to simply ignore what the kids were doing even though they were all armed to the teeth with very dangerous weapons.

And I'm critiquing both the books and the movies. In both, there was far too little attention paid to the realities of the universe. It was mental pablum, so to speak, poorly conceived though entertaining simply because it was aimed at an immature target audience that was just there for the fun. I tend to think of it like cotton candy for the brain.

madnige 🚫


It's not unrealistic to think that might happen in a world that has magic and where it's known that toddlers can have bursts of magic from their subconscious.

Brings Gina Marie Wylie's Scholar Mage to mind

Remus2 🚫


In my opinion, JKR was extremely lazy with her world-building. There are too many inconsistencies that simply don't make sense no matter how you look at them.

You are of course free to have your opinion. Rowling is free to ignore your opinion in like kind.

You are missing the point.

awnlee jawking 🚫


In my opinion, JKR was extremely lazy with her world-building.

I second that. And her use of language became clunkier as the books progressed and she gained more editorial control. And yet her books and films are very enjoyable and became stunning successes.

I think there's a salient point there about the story being more important than the language and the detail. Unless you're writing literary fiction (no story) or want more awards than readers (Salman Rushdie).


Replies:   Ferrum1
Ferrum1 🚫

@awnlee jawking

You bring up an interesting psychological phenomenon. A lot of people will enjoy what is technically garbage writing because they are carried away by what's going on in their own heads as they read the story or watch the movie.

I'm just as guilty of it as any and have enjoyed a lot of stories that are poorly written, but have that certain something that just grabs the imagination. It's almost like magic because you can look at the details with a clear eye and not understand how or why it was so fun to read.

The stories I mentioned earlier are good example of this -- they're not the next Tolkien, but they each had something that made them fun in some way.

There's no explaining why JKR became successful. I think it was a concerted effort by the publisher and media-at-large because there are just as many authors out there who write better (Dragonlance) yet don't get the same amount of television time. JKR tried to play the gender card early on and that was shut down pretty well when people pointed out that women have been writing fantasy fiction for ages, but it also got her a ton of press coverage in those early days which boosted her numbers. Soon, it seemed like reading her books was the cause-du-jour, the fad of the moment, and it had momentum all its own.

Personally, I love the visuals in the movies. Whoever came up with the interior sets for Hogwarts did a splendid job. The rest of the movies can be thrown by the wayside, but leave those inside shots, please!

Jason Samson 🚫

There are plenty of authors that are wildly successful but don't do it me, eg Dan Brown or Tolkien. There are others who I adore but people here, some of them amateur authors, say are overrated eg JKR.

Have kids who adore Harry Potter and his world? Take them to the the film set outside London- it is will make their year. Even grownups go there alone. Yes they are children's stories, but grown ups are allowed to love them too! I do.

Oh to have a fraction of JKRs writing magic πŸ’ͺ

blackjack2145309 🚫

As for JKR's works, i think it all depends how you got your first impression of it. Myself, i never heard of Harry Potter until i saw the first movies. So i had no expectations.

Now to illustrate an example from the side of having expectations....

I've been exposed to various comic book universes all my life and i've had various pleasant suprised and disappointments.

The top of the list would be the X-men movies to a certain point. While they made excellent choices in some cases for the cast, the story was highly disappointing.


Replies:   awnlee jawking
awnlee jawking 🚫


As for JKR's works, i think it all depends how you got your first impression of it.

Her attempts to write more serious fiction had little traction until her pen-name was 'leaked' as an alias. She recently seems to have gone back to exploiting the Harry Potter universe.


Replies:   samsonjas
samsonjas 🚫

@awnlee jawking

Her attempts to write more serious fiction had little traction until her pen-name was 'leaked' as an alias

Almost all unknown writers sell poorly, irregardless of how well they write.

A while ago there was an app to listen to Spotify songs nobody else had ever played. A list of books by authors that nobody has ever brought would be a fun thing to impulse-buy from too. Some of them are probably really really good.

I love HP world. So when The Casual Vacancy was unmasked I impulsively brought it at an airport and it's actually very good.

Not_a_ID 🚫

@Eddie Davidson

What about a Naked in School story, except it is set in Hogwarts.

There is at least one of them out there that I've been aware of at times past. It didn't get very far, IIRC. I think the site it was on is probably still around, I'd just have to remember which one had it.

Keet 🚫

There is a Harry Potter fanfic story here on SOL: You know who - Imogen: A Harry Potter Tale. Not in the NiS universe, it's a No Sex story with an 8.80 score.

richardshagrin 🚫

Who would want to read about a hog with warts?

Or maybe about warts on a hog?

Replies:   Dominions Son  Remus2
Dominions Son 🚫


Who would want to read about a hog with warts?

But a naked hog with warts...

Remus2 🚫


Who would want to read about a hog with warts?

Or maybe about warts on a hog?

The disturbing part of that is, there is very likely someone out there that would like to read such a story.

Ferrum1 🚫

A good example of "realism" within the universe, and on SOL, too.


The kids aren't nearly as smart as they think they are. The wards around the library do their job. Adults seem rather adult and have to go about cleaning up after the kids. Unintended consequences, unforeseen complications. Overall, pretty realistic once you accept that magic is a thing.

Replies:   Eddie Davidson
Eddie Davidson 🚫


Just as a slap in the face to JK Rowling - whoever does this should have at least one proud transgender character that can pass for a girl in the NIS program.

"Wait? You have a dong?"

Not_a_ID 🚫

@Eddie Davidson

Just as a slap in the face to JK Rowling - whoever does this should have at least one proud transgender character that can pass for a girl in the NIS program.

"Wait? You have a dong?"

Because of magic, the typical situation for the transgendered in my experience is they've already transitioned and are "fully functional" assuming they were born to a (old) magical family.

Of course, one of the funnier elements that some seem to enjoy bringing around is the Slytherins seem to be the most prone to gender-bending in such contexts. The child also generally didn't have a vote in the matter. And to top it off, the most common swap is female to male, because patriarchy.

Or more generally, because someone is wanting to do a less gay Harry/Draco fanfic that isn't completely gay by having something happen that reverses the change and any excuse will do. Option 3 is they're doing a harem story and it provides them a means to add more potential harem members by reverting the genderswaps. In any case, "because magic" gender changes evidently don't seem to be as stable as some might like.

And the less said about Crabbe and Goyle spending some time in their 6th year running around as first and second year girls(polyjuice), the better, probably.

Ferrum1 🚫

@Eddie Davidson

If the goal is to stick it to JKR, that's not the route I'd go since JKR is "fluid" on so many issues. Maybe the better idea would be to create a character that's eerily similar to her, and always getting into trouble, finding herself in the most inappropriate situations. ;)

Replies:   Not_a_ID
Not_a_ID 🚫


If the goal is to stick it to JKR, that's not the route I'd go since JKR is "fluid" on so many issues. Maybe the better idea would be to create a character that's eerily similar to her, and always getting into trouble, finding herself in the most inappropriate situations. ;)

She's a leftist, so she'd probably be down for someone making her character gay or trans. She doesn't (officially) like the pornographic versions of her stories in general though.

Replies:   awnlee jawking
awnlee jawking 🚫


If I understand the situation correctly, the whole situation concerning JKR is about to become moot.

Theresa May's initiative to allow self-declared trans-women use women's safe places (eg toilets and changing rooms) is being quietly dropped. So the issue of perverts self-identifying as trans-women to take advantage hopefully won't happen.


awnlee jawking 🚫

@Eddie Davidson

"Wait? You have a dong?"

"And you've got an erection while watching us shower after gym?"


blackjack2145309 🚫

Yea to be honest I think the theory of "sexual hijinks at magic school" is bound to happen in one way or another. My personal favorite example is the magic school from the original "Charmed" series where several incidents happened. My personal favorite was lady godiva coming to life.

Replies:   Not_a_ID
Not_a_ID 🚫


Yea to be honest I think the theory of "sexual hijinks at magic school" is bound to happen in one way or another. My personal favorite example is the magic school from the original "Charmed" series where several incidents happened. My personal favorite was lady godiva coming to life.

In a magic boarding school that doesn't seem to supervise the students very well. You'd almost expect nudity based events to happen with some degree of regularity. Although the teaching staff may try to keep it under wraps and/or otherwise have "an understanding" with the upper years in regards to where and how they pursue such things.

But for Hogwarts in particular, between enchanted(/cursed) items, invisibility cloaks, a mixed gender prefects bath, disillusionment(invisibility) spells, illusion charms, memory charms, notice-me-not charms, and compulsion charms...

Hogwarts could actually be quite the horrifying place in all reality. Fanfiction writers certainly touched parts of it with Professort Lockhart in year 2 where many writers turn him into a professor that uses his celebrity to get sex out of the witches in the school, and obliviates(memory wipes) them after the fact.

Some will go further and make it a hallmark for the Deatheater Children in Slytherin to participate in such activities as well. Which basically turns parts of Hogwarts into rape central.

Outside of "going dark" with it, someone who has learned the disilliusionment charm that allows them to move through the halls invisible to all but the most powerful of magic users would be likely to generate a number of naked/streaking dares I'd imagine.

Likewise illusion charms create a comparable thing, remove clothes, cast the illusion and see how far they're willing to trust their spellwork(and others not to counter-spell it).

So on and so forth. Then you get into magic wards as they're minimally covered by JKR, and you move into entirely new realms of possibility. Which is what some of the people who've looked at NiS-like Hogwarts settings have often done.

The magical wards protecting Hogwarts also have some more advanced options, one of which IIRC, JKR herself introduced, such as the non-magicals perceiving Hogwarts(and many other magical locations) as a ruins if they somehow manage to get close enough to the school to see it, which means getting past other wards that are going to try to redirect you by other means(tasks that you suddenly remember needing to be done, etc). Well, the Ministry also has another spell which seems to be linked to age in the form of "the trace."

So if you pair the age-based magic of the trace with the selective targeting of an illusionary ward with compulsion elements, and you can create the scenario where people under a certain age threshold (or other criteria) are simply unable to see the full extent of what is going on around them. You only think the people next to you are wearing what you see them in. And if they're doing something you're not supposed to be noticing, well you're going to start finding other things pulling your attention away before you can catch on.

Mushroom 🚫

@Eddie Davidson

What about a Naked in School story, except it is set in Hogwarts.

I for one would never write such a story. And suspect many others would avoid it for the same reason.

Ms. Rowling and her lawyers do not have a problem with fanfic based on her works, so long as they do not include "pornography or racism". And they have taken legal action or threatened to if such is discovered.


Now I might create a heavily veiled "snowclone" of such, but would never dare write it with her setting or characters because of that risk. I am one that is very cautious about using either real life people, or things created by others for this very reason.

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