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Genetic experiments

StaticBat83 ๐Ÿšซ

A young man has an illness that is hereditary. He doesn't have much to live, that or the illness will cripple him for life. There is a new breakthrough in medicine and science. One thing that needs to happen is his age is regressed to where it would be in the womb. This process was originally developed to help age those babies that were born too early, they age the babies to the point as if they had been developing in their mothers to the full nine months or old enough to be healthy. Then the genes that caused the illness are removed from his body. After the bad genes are removed the person would be brought back to the age they were before, unless they wish to remain younger than they were before. But that would cost a person extra money. While the main character was under to keep him from the pain, the doctors did something extra, either by accident or on purpose. Before he when in to save his life he was an okay looking guy with short hair and very little noticeable muscles. When he wakes up he finds not only is he feeling much healthier than he has ever felt in his life but his hair is much longer. They say that is the result of aging him so many years. One surprising thing is he is now a very attractive woman. His DNA if tested will register that he is 100 % woman as if he had been born that way. It is explained if he just went through a gender change he would have looked as plain as he had before but with just slightly more feminine features. But since they removed some genes they had to remove the entire genes from the original source. For example if the source of the illness had been his mother or his father and they tested his DNA as it was now it would be as if he wasn't related to that parent at all. Some of the stuff they deleted included the genes that included what made him look so average looking. But because they had to delete so much of his DNA and because one doctor watched to much science fiction movies and TV they added a little feline DNA. Now the main character has moments when she goes into heat. And has an uncontrollable urge to mate. Pregnancy may follow.

Another idea is that the main character stays a man but still becomes more attractive than he was before and still has an urge to mate. I'm thinking he mates with a person that had been his half-sibling. The half-sibling is related to him through the parent that the genes were deleted of. Now he no longer has any DNA ties to his former half-sister. They have sex and she gets pregnant and they get married.

Replies:   Zellus
Zellus ๐Ÿšซ


... he is now a very attractive woman. His DNA if tested will register that he is 100 % woman as if he had been born that way.

Replies:   StaticBat83
StaticBat83 ๐Ÿšซ


So I take it those stories have something in common with the piece you copied from my post? I'll take a look at them.

Geek of Ages

My I, Newbie stories are about a man who after a medical procedure becomes a woman.

AmigaClone ๐Ÿšซ

In the Morfs universe, there are several stories where individuals change gender. When there is a gender change it can be male to female, female to male. There is also the possibility of having fully functional male and female sex organs.

Replies:   StaticBat83
StaticBat83 ๐Ÿšซ


Where can that be found? The Morfs universe?

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


On the SOL navigation bar, forth from the right is Universes. This takes you to a page that offers a list of author defined series and author defined universes.

Despite the name of the link on the navigation bar, the series list is the default.

Click on universes and you have an alphabetical list of universes.

Replies:   Zellus
Zellus ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

For some reason it doesn't seem to be showing up in the Universes list

It does, but you need to switch from Series/Collections (default) to Universes.


Centaur ๐Ÿšซ

there is a morf's web site

there are stories there that are not here.

Replies:   AmigaClone
AmigaClone ๐Ÿšซ


there are stories there that are not here.

Last I checked, there are some stories here that are not there as well.

Replies:   Centaur
Centaur ๐Ÿšซ


i always had the feeling that the creator of the MORF's universe wanted the MORF's stories on her site. and you had to follow their strict guidelines for writing there.

Replies:   Ernest Bywater
Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ


you had to follow their strict guidelines for writing there.

From the site, which is hard to read the dark blue text on the black background:

Rules For Story Submissions.

Due to the increase of authors writing in the MORFS Universe, I've felt that it is necessary to add this section to the Universe Rules.

Rule #1 - Grammar & Structure. Stories submitted for posting must have proper sentence structure and grammar. The story doesn't need to be perfect if it hasn't yet been proofed, but the proofreaders should not have to re-format the entire structure of a story before it is legible. The following are thing to watch for when writing a story.

Avoid run-on sentences and paragraphs. During dialog, there should be a new paragraph for each different character. This helps the reader follow who is speaking.

Use the proper punctuation. "โ€ฆ " are used for dialog. I will accept *โ€ฆ * or italics for telepathic dialog or thoughts, although I do prefer italics be used for thoughts and the asterisks be used for telepathy.

Use proper dialog techniques. New paragraph for each speaker. Identify the speakers by using phrases such as โ€ฆ," said John. or โ€ฆ," cried Jane. This is an easy way to identify the speaker and to add the correct emotion to what they've just said. NEVER use script format dialog such as:

John: Hi Jane, how are you?

Jane: I'm having a great day. Thanks for asking.

If I receive a story written with script format, I will not read/edit/post it. Use contractions. If you listen to how people talk, they rarely say phrases like do not, would not or they are. They say don't wouldn't and they're. Stories that don't use contractions during dialog have characters that sound flat and untrue. If you want character that feel real, then use slang and contractions. With a good author, you can tell who is speaking from the various speech patterns the individual characters have.

Rule #2 - Format. All stories should be sent to in either a txt, rtf or html file. rtf is the preferred format out of those three. When you e-mail it, let me know whether it is finished or needs proofing. I would ask that all authors wait at least one week after the story has been posted here before posting it at other sites.

Rule #3 - Extras. I would ask that authors send me a database entry for each main Morfed character in their story, following the examples listed on the database page. A picture is nice, but not required. Also, I would ask that anything you feel should be added to the MORFS Encyclopedia be sent to me along with your story.


For those interested.

edit to add: The exact set of grammar and structure rules aren't stated - I'm aware of 3 used in the USA while the UK and Australia have some variations to the USA ones too.

It would also imply you have to attribute every dialogue, and not use the saving ping-pong drop attribution dialogue techniques with only two speakers. I can only assume any html code is accepted (blink code anyone).

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