Mike Lowe, aka The Scot, has no intention of writing a sequel to Winds of Change, but many people have asked about sequels about what happened in Europe, in Space, and between chapter 27 and the Epilogue. To meet this demand a new Public Universe has been created titled Winds of Change and the story moved into it. This is true for SoL, FS, and SciFi Stories. The universe description is:
Grant Maxwell is sent back to the Colonial period of America to try to thwart the actions of a time traveller who hates the United States. Unfortunately, too much damage is done before he can act, so it's up to Grant to salvage the Nation. In doing so he must make some changes. He also ends up dealing with the aliens who sent him back in time. The Universe is the brain child of R. Michael Lowe, aka The Scot, and other authors are permitted, and encouraged, to write stories in this Universe, provided they don't violate the canon he sets out in the original story.
Thus anyone is allowed to borrow the universe and write stories in it, and even the characters for events set in time after the initial story. However, until a second story is written and added to the universe the only way it can be reached is via the link on the story description on Mikes story page or the links below. So the challenge is now open for authors to write about what happens in Europe, Space, or the new America.