@Eddie DavidsonAs an example, she is aware she is hypnotized, so she isn't a robot that just goes about her day to day life.
She is in the kitchen making breakfast for the family. Bobby comes downstairs.
"Mom, sit on the broom and ride it around like you are playing Quidditch in Harry Potter."
"Bobby please don't make me do that now, I am trying to finish making breakfast," she says as she sits on the broom and inserts it. She starts to blush but she can't help herself.
Dad comes downstairs. "Bobby, what have I told you about making your mom stick the broom up her ass?"
"It's not up her ass, Dad! She's fucking herself with it."
"Bobby didn't tell me how I had to sit, Score one for Huffle Puff!!!" she declares as she breathlessly gallops around the rooom.
You write stuff? do you mind linking me to one of your stories here or in private?