mom and dad are killed by uncle and cop to get the land cause of oil. I think there is five kids and oldest is trying to keep them together
mom and dad are killed by uncle and cop to get the land cause of oil. I think there is five kids and oldest is trying to keep them together
Our parents were killed - murdered, really - a few months ago in a car accident the Sheriff and our uncle engineered to get rid of them
is a series of 3 stories
is there anymore stories like this one and RECLUCE AND THE GHOST
CAMIE stories
what aspects are you after as there are few of the longer western stories with a lot of farming in them and there's a few of my River's Region stories where farming is a significant part of the story,
Whether the villain from Flash Gordon, or the former ruling dynasty of China, Ming is far away.
I like the farming stories about the rag to riches,the auction steals the help your neighbor westerns some sex is good but all the time some mystery