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Old Disney TV Movie

dougb 🚫

OK, I know this is not the forum for this but there are a lot of smart people here and I don't know where else to turn. This is driving me crazy. I was telling my wife about an old Disney TV Movie. I think it was a 3 or 4 episodes from the early '60s. It is set in Berlin either right after WW2 or perhaps right after the Berlin wall went up. Anyway, the teenage hero is in charge of a bunch of kids who steal to help feed and clothe other people who have less. Sort of a Robin Hood thing. I just remember the scenes of the hero running through bombed out streets. It was filmed in Europe and it is bugging me what this show was called. Does anyone else remember this?

Replies:   Ernest Bywater  qqqq
Ernest Bywater 🚫


it mat have been

Replies:   Dinsdale  Mushroom  dougb
Dinsdale 🚫

@Ernest Bywater

Interesting, the book was pre-WW2. The author was a pacifist - which meant he was anti-Nazi - but was one of the few not to go into exile when they took power. He was one of the authors whose books were burned in 1933. With the Soviet assault on Berlin looming and having heard that he was marked for death by the SS, he headed off to an Austrian mountain village to work on the shooting of a non-existent film, and did not return until the war was over.

Replies:   Ernest Bywater
Ernest Bywater 🚫


I never even looked at what it was about as it was the only 1960s Disney production made in Berlin, and the only production made in Germany other than White Stallions which was not set in Berlin. Also, we all know how often the director will change what's in a film from what's in a book to meet their own 'artistic vision' of the story.

Mushroom 🚫

@Ernest Bywater

Disney always had a thing about taking things from writers from Europe.

Which is even more funny in that one of his most famous works was Bambi. Based on a story by Felix Salten.

Who also wrote "Josefine Mutzenbacher oder Die Geschichte einer Wienerischen Dirne von ihr selbst erzΓ€hlt". Known in English as "Josephine Mutzenbacher or The Story of a Viennese Whore, as Told by Herself". A pornographic novel written in 1906 about an old prostitute who dies and leaves a manuscript about her younger days which is published after her death.

It is so popular, that no less than 11 movies have been made based off of it in Germany. I often wondered how a Disney version of that would work out.

Replies:   Ernest Bywater
Ernest Bywater 🚫


It is so popular, that no less than 11 movies have been made based off of it in Germany. I often wondered how a Disney version of that would work out.

very short due to the cut scenes.

Replies:   Mushroom
Mushroom 🚫

@Ernest Bywater

very short due to the cut scenes.

But it would be so much fun! Then we could have Josefine Mutzenbacher as a "Disney Princess".

Ernest Bywater 🚫


But it would be so much fun! Then we could have Josefine Mutzenbacher as a "Disney Princess".


Dominions Son 🚫


But it would be so much fun! Then we could have Josefine Mutzenbacher as a "Disney Princess".

Not really. Why? Because if Disney did do it, they wouldn't do it under the Disney label, it would be done under their subsidiaries that produce content aimed at more mature audiences (Lucasfilms or Pixar for example).

Replies:   joyR
joyR 🚫

@Dominions Son

Not really. Why? Because if Disney did do it, they wouldn't do it under the Disney label

Not necessarily. They have taken stories and turned them into cute when the original tale was much more adult in genre.

For example the Disney version of sleeping beauty omitted the rape scene.

Replies:   Dominions Son  Mushroom
Dominions Son 🚫


They have taken stories and turned them into cute when the original tale was much more adult in genre.

Yes, but in how many of those stories done under the Disney label was the main character a prostitute?

Replies:   joyR
joyR 🚫

@Dominions Son

Yes, but in how many of those stories done under the Disney label was the main character a prostitute?

I can't recall an actual working girl being a main character in the origin story adapted by Disney. Of course there are many things omitted by Disney that could be judged as worse. Rape, incest, pedophilia etc.

Replies:   Dominions Son  Radagast
Dominions Son 🚫


Of course there are many things omitted by Disney that could be judged as worse. Rape, incest, pedophilia etc.

Yes, but those were not essential to the story. Here if you omit the prostitution, there is no story at all.

Radagast 🚫


Generally off screen production issues don't make it into the actual release.

Replies:   joyR
joyR 🚫


Generally off screen production issues don't make it into the actual release.


None of the issues mentioned we're contemporary 'off screen' ones. They all relate to the original stories and characters before the story was "adapted" by Disney.

Replies:   Radagast
Radagast 🚫


I was making a snide comment about the trail of mentally broken starlets that Disney created.

Mushroom 🚫


For example the Disney version of sleeping beauty omitted the rape scene.

Hell, read the original Hunchback book someday.

Phoebus tries to rape Esmeralda, the priest tries to rape her. Then at the end as she is taken off to be hung, her husband has a chance to save her, but instead runs off with her goat.

Oh, and she is indeed hung and dies.

dougb 🚫

@Ernest Bywater

That's IT!! Thank you so much. I knew that this forum would not let me down. Now if they would only have it on Disney+.

qqqq 🚫


I seem to recall something similar but with jewish children living in a getto...

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