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Ghost ๐Ÿšซ

stories about the gods. romans Greek Egyptian I like them I've read a few on here and there isn't really a tag for them. god like power stories too. demi gods also work I'm a big fan of mythology.

jhncanson ๐Ÿšซ


I haven't found a good story involving gods.

Most of the stories like these either tend to move too fast without development or blow way out of proportion.

ustourist ๐Ÿšซ


The Phil Brown stories - "second time through" are Gods/Aliens and the underlying theme is mythology rather than alien.

Ghost ๐Ÿšซ

ustourist I've read them all up to the point he's their great just a bit slow coming out though.

Replies:   ustourist
ustourist ๐Ÿšซ


Unfortunately they have been a bit slow recently, but I think he has good reason for the delay....
This is from his blog:
"That being said, my heart is failing... Again.(4 Bypasses, 2 stents, the first time).
This time, for those of you who've been there, the mitral valve is slowly giving out. They can do another open heart operation and replace it with a pigs valve, but I am dragging my feet on that one."
He then explains why he is dragging his feet and it is understandable.
Hopefully his health will improve and he will be able to continue, because the story does give the impression it is already mapped out as to the what, where, when and how and, as you say, it is a great read.

Dominion's Son ๐Ÿšซ


stories about the gods. romans Greek Egyptian I like them I've read a few on here and there isn't really a tag for them.

I have a story out called Son of Chronos. https://storiesonline.net/s/73034

It's a superhero/CB story where the base source of super powers is that there were real beings behind a lot of different cultures gods, being who pissed in the human gene pool. If enough of that remnant genetic material from the gods ends up in one person, they get powers.

Check the codes before you start reading it though, there is quit a bit of squick bait in the story.

It's also a work in progress.

I have another story in progress that I'm not posting yet and don't know if I will post that also involves god-like beings (or at least one such being). If you contact me directly, I might consider using you as a beta reader for that story when it's ready.
/Shameless Self Promotion.

LonelyDad ๐Ÿšซ

Rotedrachen's two stories 'Retreads' and 'Retreats Part Deux' are about the involvement of the old Norse gods with some people sent back as do-overs to attempt to change the coming destruction of the world. Good stories but a little over the top.

samuelmichaels ๐Ÿšซ


stories about the gods. romans Greek Egyptian I like them I've read a few on here and there isn't really a tag for them. god like power stories too. demi gods also work I'm a big fan of mythology.

Retreads by Rotedrachen has Norse gods.
Lawod the Bloodby Robberhands -- invented pantheon.
Dragon by Fick Suck.

Ghost ๐Ÿšซ

ustourist: yeah I've checked his blog too and was sad to hear he's having a rough time and hoping things got better for him.

lonelydad: retreads is awesome and I've read through them both twice maybe 3x already lol.

rustyken: thanks I'll check that out and let you know if I liked it.

samuelmichael: I'll take a look but I may have read both of the ones you mentioned but I don't recall them right off hand so maybe I got some new stuff to read thank you.

thanks for the recommendations keep em coming I tear through stories on a daily basis. so the longer the better...usually lol. magic in a modern setting or not also works for me. space, time travel, abilities, trinkets and what not of power. all good stuff.

Replies:   ustourist  paliden
ustourist ๐Ÿšซ


I came across this one by accident and thought it may be of interest.
wordytom - Children of the Gods
No idea of the content apart from the summary below:
Synopsis: Melissa and Mark were a pair of off the charts geniuses with a special heritage that meant they were either going to rule the world or die trying. What can a pair of teens do when they discover they are truly Children Of The Gods?

paliden ๐Ÿšซ


magic in a modern setting or not also works for me. space, time travel, abilities, trinkets and what not of power. all good stuff.

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lbp861 ๐Ÿšซ

There was one that I liked but don't know the name. Kid goes to museum and breaks the statue of Eros and he grants him powers. The kid then becomes a priest of Eros having sex with people to cure them of STDs.

Replies:   aubie56
aubie56 ๐Ÿšซ


You may be thinking of my story, "Priapus' Curse." Pirapus was one of the major sex gods of the Greeks. He also protected travelers. I never did figure out that connection. I'm sorry that I don't know how to make a link to it.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


I'm sorry that I don't know how to make a link to it.


1. Go to the story's index page.
2. Select all the text in the URL bar and copy it to the clipboard.
3. Go back to the forum.
4. Find the tread you want to post the link to.
5. Start a new comment.
6. Paste the URL into the comment text.
7. Click the post button.

Replies:   aubie56
aubie56 ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Thank you.

Ghost ๐Ÿšซ

I've read amulets of power and the priapus stuff along with a couple of Eros stories all ones I liked.

Dominion: I sent you an email hopefully you got it but I'd like to be a beta reader for sure.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


Dominion: I sent you an email hopefully you got it but I'd like to be a beta reader for sure.

I got it. Wasn't sure if it was you or not though. I've added your email to my address book for when the story is complete.

lbp861 ๐Ÿšซ

Thanks aubie56! That was it!

samuelmichaels ๐Ÿšซ


Some more: Ahead of the Game by Night Wolf has Greek gods, I think.

Vax has some stories of god-like powers.

helkeek ๐Ÿšซ


Replies:   jhncanson
jhncanson ๐Ÿšซ


The problem with xanxia is that theres alot of cliche out there.

The first story you'll read will be a breathe of fresh air, the second one you will recognize minute similarities, the third one, you'll be able to predict the flow of the story.

But then again, all genres have cliches just like how i try to avoid cliche mc stories and cliche japanese manga.

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