Male, photographer, rode a motorcycle while in college, dated a black girl I think named Danny who made chicken and waffles after track meets. also started a nation wide shipping company. Please Help! it's driving me crazy!
Male, photographer, rode a motorcycle while in college, dated a black girl I think named Danny who made chicken and waffles after track meets. also started a nation wide shipping company. Please Help! it's driving me crazy!
I think it may be Banner year, but I'm not positive yet.
smokindrivers hindsight 20/20...
probably right as I read both of those story at the same time and could be mixing them up in my mind. However, until June I can't re-read them to be sure which it is. Anyway, both are worth reading.
It is definitely the Hindsight series that you're looking for. While Banner Year does include an MC that is a photographer, that is the only match.
Oh my god, thank you! That has been bugging me for the last week, lol. Had a mood to re-read my favorite stories and just for the life of me couldn't remember the name. for some reason I keep thinking of a story named or featuring someone by the name Alan lol. but after not finding it i figured i was probably combing 1 or more stories and chose this place to ask. thanks again folks!
story named or featuring someone by the name Alan
The first thing that comes to mind where that's the only clue is '35'. Not sure why.