I remember reading that he was unhappy about the gift because he wanted a car or something else. The story was set in a future landscape with legalized slavery I believe.
I remember reading that he was unhappy about the gift because he wanted a car or something else. The story was set in a future landscape with legalized slavery I believe.
He wanted a motorbike and got a slave, which really pissed him off. but in the end love rears it's head and all ends up good.
"a collar around the heart" by Old Softy
One set in the past was https://storiesonline.net/s/39822/mackenzies-journal by E. Z. Riter.
you asked for others in this vein. Personally I loved these two.
A variation that theme from a totally different perspective - and with a different outcome - is the third story in the https://storiesonline.net/series/1243/john-taylor series, specifically https://storiesonline.net/s/16732/the-wrong-girl.
Collar around the heart is one of my favorites to re-read. It up there with Growing up Master and A masters ring for me.
Colt45 has a number of stories where the MC gets one or more female slaves, sometimes on purpose, sometimes as an accident. Generally with happy endings.
You might also look at Accidental Master by Lord Skies. That opens a fairly large sub-genre of mind control.
Try the Reluctant Sir series
If you read the first, you should read the second, same time frame different view point. very Hood