Hey guys, was revisiting one of my favourite authors, Steven Seven, when I noticed his whole account is missing. So I was wondering if anyone has downloaded his stories or know any website with his stories
Hey guys, was revisiting one of my favourite authors, Steven Seven, when I noticed his whole account is missing. So I was wondering if anyone has downloaded his stories or know any website with his stories
There was a forum posting about him shortly after his stories were pulled, he was terminally ill and - not wanting his family to find out about his stories after his death - deleted them everywhere. The Mannheim Fotzeroller (sp?) stories went at the same time and I'm assuming they were him as well.
That was a long-winded way of saying that you are unlikely to find them on another website.
Updated in March 2021 to say: No, I don't have any of his stories downloaded.
Damn, do you or anyone else have downloaded copies of his stories?
I would second this request...
I found few of Steven seven stories on Asstr... Look for LordWalters under the Authors tab.
I liked his writings. They were crude and beyond the pale. Not many write like him nowadays. There's always a soft edge to protagonists even in extreme stories.