MC (male) is model/actor??. Only scene I remember is on a movie shoot, he skies from a lodge, (followed by pro skiers who are supposed ninjas?) and goes through a forest which causes his pursuers to stop.
MC (male) is model/actor??. Only scene I remember is on a movie shoot, he skies from a lodge, (followed by pro skiers who are supposed ninjas?) and goes through a forest which causes his pursuers to stop.
I read the story again but it wasn't there. Sorry. Also read Lady in Red to see if it was there, but it wasn't. Any other help?
Not sure if this is what you're after, but you may want to check out Noble because it has ninjas in it - I gave up on it when it went very dark.
I believe the movie scene is in the current Stupid boy Story, sub-titled Sophomore year.
I believe the movie scene is in the current Stupid boy Story, sub-titled Sophomore year
Sorry, not this one. In this one he and his colleague were attacked by wolf cubs, his colleague is thrown and injured whilst he goes for the cubs to frighten them off.
No ninjas in the Stupid Boy story up to now
Sorry, not this one. In this one he and his colleague were attacked by wolf cubs, his colleague is thrown and injured whilst he goes for the cubs to frighten them off.
No ninjas in the Stupid Boy story up to now
That scene sounds like something from 9th Grade by Banadin.
Could it possibly be one of the DMan stories by Cold Creek? The main character is a model and encounters ninjas.
Wait, no it's from Crystal Clear by Wolf. The ninja scene is in chapter 27.
Bingo. That's the one. I had completely forgot the story, even though I enjoyed it when I first read it. It must have been that it was coming out during Lady in Red, Stupid Boy and 9th grade. Again, Thanks for the revival of a good memory.
Wolves, Stupid Boy Part I, Chapter 23:;1
The skiing movie ninjas are indeed Crystal Clear by Wolf, though there is also filmed skiing/snowboarding in Stupid Boy.