Pretty good story, MC (main character) is possibly someone thrown back in time. Kind of a Joe Badass good with a gun, shows up in a small town, has a bunch of money and quickly gets involved with a few women in the town.
Store keeper's wife, who he meets and beds after befriending her husband. Sends husband on trek to bigger town to buy things he needs after promising to look after his wife while he is gone, lives in the spare room out back. Likes to sit in her kitchen sipping coffee and staring at her as she works.
Meets the widow seamstress friend of the wife, needs new pants, goes to her place for measuring. They measure and find out their genitals match nicely, she makes new clothes and he needs frequent fittings as she does.
Fat obnoxious lout drives settler type wagon into town stops in front of the store. Enters, tries to take advantage of the wife, which irritates the MC who is sipping coffee in the kitchen. Fat guy winds up lying in the street, with bullet hole in his gut. MC discovers young girls (twins?) and badly beaten mother in the wagon. Now more irritated, MC kicks moaning fat guy and orders citizens of town to have a couple kicks each before he finally kills the guy at sundown. Woman and kids go into the back room to be nursed back to health while MC just moves into the wife's bed.
There is much more as he buys his ranch and gets it working. I hope this is enough to jog somebody's memory.