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A story from the news

sourdough ๐Ÿšซ

Jeffrey Epstein, friend to the Trumps and Clintons, was alleged to have wanted to set up his New Mexico ranch as a breeding facilities for young teenage beauties (just using his own seed, of course). I have read at least one and maybe more stories with that same plot. I would like to find one or more. Maybe one of them inspired him. Suggestions?

Too bad Jeff didn't read the disclaimer at the end of this type of story that trying it in Real Life will end badly.

Replies:   Remus2  itsmehonest
LonelyDad ๐Ÿšซ

One of the minor threads in Bujold's 'A Civil Campaign' is about a count that starts just such a breeding campaign. I forget what he expected to get out of it, but Miles and the Emperor thwart his plans by requiring to provide a dowry for each of the girls.

Replies:   sourdough
sourdough ๐Ÿšซ


Thanks. I will check it out.

Replies:   docholladay
docholladay ๐Ÿšซ


a very good story. her style is little different, but leads to fun reading

Dinsdale ๐Ÿšซ

One of the great Khans - I think it was Genghis or maybe Kublai - had a policy of personally impregnating the most attractive women on his campaigns.
I read somewhere that a significant percentage of people in those areas (was it 10%?) carry his genes.
All very vague but I'm about to go out and can't be bothered to look it up.

Remus2 ๐Ÿšซ


Based on what I've read, Epstein was not a friend of Trumps, more along the lines of an associate. Specifically Trump considered him off in the head. Clinton was a friend, and did spend a lot of time with him.

The question in my mind is, what did Trump know? Turning a blind eye to such as that is almost as bad as the act itself.

As for that scenario in a story, there are none here I'm aware of that cover it. Some of them (as others have pointed out) approximate, but not directly so. 'Truth is stranger than fiction' comes to mind when thinking about it. It's a plot I'm surprised no author here has taken up.

Replies:   sourdough
sourdough ๐Ÿšซ


Trump and Epstein reportedly had a falling out over a Florida property they both wanted. Epstein won the bidding. Not much later, police received an anonymous letter detailing Epstein's fondness for under age girls. Probably just a coincidence.

Replies:   Remus2
Remus2 ๐Ÿšซ


Reportedly is the keyword. Reported by whom?

It's my observation/opinion that everyone of the super rich and or politically powerful are dirty. The only real choice us plebeians have is deciding which of their stenches we can smell without puking.

I'd like to see evidence not hearsay.

It's a good premise for a fictional story though.

Replies:   joyR
joyR ๐Ÿšซ


Reportedly is the keyword. Reported by whom?

A couple of samples...

Vanity Fair

The Palm Beach Post

Replies:   Remus2
Remus2 ๐Ÿšซ


Again the reportedly.. "reportedly each others wingman."

When you drill down into those 'articles', you find they are rift with rumo, innuendo, suggestion, and misdirection. Sources say, reportedly, suggest, could be, etcetera. They appear to be written to support the bias of the reader rather than imparting any facts.

Replies:   PotomacBob
PotomacBob ๐Ÿšซ


In the Vanity Fair story, it reports that The New York Times, in 1992, reported that Trump directed Florida businessman George Houraney to organize a "calendar girl" competition at Mar-a-Lago, and after all 28 contestants were procured, revealed that the other guests were just "him and Epstein."
in the Vanity Fair story, it reports that video footage from the same year shows Trump and Epstein partying together at a Palm Beach resort with cheerleaders from the Buffalo Bills and Miami Dolphins, laughing, chatting, and in the case of Trump, pawing at women.
In the Vanity Fair story, it reports that for 10 years after that, with the two men reportedly dining at Epstein's mansion and attending many of the same dinner parties. (That's the only instance in the Vanity Fair story where I spotted the use of "reportedly" in the text of the story.
In the Vanity Fair story, it quoted Epstein's brother, Mark, as saying that Trump flew on Epstein's private jet "numerous times."
In the Vanity Fair story, it said that Epstein and Trump ultimately had a falling out - but the falling out had nothing to do with Epstein's behavior with underage women - but over a real estate deal.
I do not know personally whether any of the facts reported are true, nor do I know the motives of the reporter or reporters who wrote it (whether written to support the bias of the reader). But, in my opinion, the article does impart facts. The article is contrary to the assertion by the White House that Trump barely knew Epstein, whether they were friends or associates.

Replies:   Dominions Son  Remus2
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


In the Vanity Fair story, it said that Epstein and Trump ultimately had a falling out - but the falling out had nothing to do with Epstein's behavior with underage women - but over a real estate deal.

And the only fact in that statement for which the the article has any real evidence is that Trump and Epstein had a falling out. The claim that it was because of the real estate deal is pure speculation.

Dig into the details provided of what went on in that real estate deal. It was a bankruptcy sale of an estate, which both Trump and Epstein wanted to buy and they were engaged in a bidding war. Then they started badmouthing each other to the creditor in charge of the sale, from what's said about it in both articles linked above, that badmouthing got very personal.

If all of this is true as presented in the article, it seems rather likely to me that their falling out had already happened before then.

Remus2 ๐Ÿšซ


They lead off with "reportedly."

In the Vanity Fair story, it quoted Epstein's brother, Mark, as saying that Trump flew on Epstein's private jet "numerous times."

Would that be the same brother who later was in Jeffery's will for more than 577 million? Start digging into the brother. It's interesting reading.

PotomacBob ๐Ÿšซ

Based on what I've read, Epstein was not a friend of Trumps, more along the lines of an associate.

Before Epstein was arrested in 2005, Trump was interviewed in 2002 by New York magazine for a profile of Epstein. Trump said, "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it โ€” Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

Replies:   Not_a_ID
Not_a_ID ๐Ÿšซ


Before Epstein was arrested in 2005, Trump was interviewed in 2002 by New York magazine for a profile of Epstein. Trump said, "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it โ€” Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

You know that reads as basic boiler plate stock "positive" response with a very subtle dig at the end with "he likes them young."

Epstein was very rich in his own right, and connected to very powerful and very rich individuals as well. He isn't somebody you publicly smack talked about until after the scandals broke on him.

And when your primary business focus is catering to the rich and powerful, like Trump did. You put emphasis on "discretion" because those people put a premium on privacy. Which means you don't go running around exposing the skeletons of everybody else if you want to continue to get the business of people seeking privacy.

So what exactly was Trump supposed to do? I guess you would have preferred "No comment" instead? Except that then runs counter to Trump's own business model, as he wants to present himself as being connected to the rich and powerful as well. And when you're given a chance at some free press, you take the opportunity.

Rambulator ๐Ÿšซ

Two words

"Fake News"

itsmehonest ๐Ÿšซ


Jessica James wrote several stories that include 'untouchable' people breeding for the purpose of slavery, set in nudist resorts

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