The story starts with a boy on a school trip, and he sees a little pond outside of the museum, goes over to it, slips and hits his head, and then his body is taken over by an ancient sorcerer. Any help is appreciated!
The story starts with a boy on a school trip, and he sees a little pond outside of the museum, goes over to it, slips and hits his head, and then his body is taken over by an ancient sorcerer. Any help is appreciated! is the story, but the ancient sorcerer was an apprentice.
Also Magician's merger by Xenophon Hendricks.
One of my personal favourites. He started a sequel somewhere out in internetland, but gave up on it.
He started a sequel somewhere out in internetland, but gave up on it.
Which is a shame, because Magician's Merger was very good story, but it really only told about the beginning of the merger.
It would have been good to see how things went over time.