The current random story is 'Airbag Thanksgiving' by StangStar06. Its description states 'This story was inspired by the ending of one of JPB's classics'.
Who is JPB and which story is referred to?
The current random story is 'Airbag Thanksgiving' by StangStar06. Its description states 'This story was inspired by the ending of one of JPB's classics'.
Who is JPB and which story is referred to?
Just Plain Bob. He has 700+ cheating wife stories, so your guess is as good as mine as to which one StangStar06 was referring to.
JPB has two stories, 'Thanksgiving Dinner' and 'The Thanksgiving Dinner', both 2007 words long. I haven't done a byte by byte check but they could well be identical.
Winner winner chicken dinner
Um, he was missing a letter from the initialism you used. What was the L?
Bastard Operator From Hell?
You forgot the initial "L", thus making it "Lesbian Bastard/Bitch Offspring From Hell". ;)