Is there a way to look up my past questions?
If you know who the original poster was look on the homepage and at the bottom of the topic headings is (or was) a forum of messages where you can search. You might be able to search by topic also, I haven't used that forum in a few years, but I also just searched by the poster and not the subject. Try it.
Is there a way to look up my past questions?
Use the Forum's "Search Forum Posts" and enter your Forum user id in the search field โ mtr1go. The results will be every post you posted under that user id and every post that user id was mentioned in the body of the post by you or another.
Thank you for this info. I never knew I could do that, now I can view my past results. So simple it must be "majik",
Merry Christmas to all.
That is the exact information that I needed thank you ever so much and Merry Christmas.