Looking for a story called Janet in the Rec Room from many years ago. Think it was from asstr but the author removed it. I have the first chapter but there were at least 2-3 more that I'm unable to find. Thanks.
Looking for a story called Janet in the Rec Room from many years ago. Think it was from asstr but the author removed it. I have the first chapter but there were at least 2-3 more that I'm unable to find. Thanks.
I've tried periodically in the past. I only have the text of chapter 1 and author name. Best of my recollection it was an author site hosted off asstr.org, but at some point the author removed themselves.
Google searches don't tend to lead me anywhere either.
Are you sure it was the Janet in the Rec Room? I found a three part story, JANET'S HOME PRISON SENTENCE, dated 2004, posted by Nikki. Ring any bells?
No, I have chapter 1, it was literally titled "Janet in the Rec Room" and was by someone posting as dsb_524.
Kristen's collection is still up (under www.asstr.xyz) and I don't think stories could be deleted from there if the author wanted to vanish.
I don't know if the collection is "undamaged" but there were no references to that author in there.
As to that author's "own page", randomly chosen Wayback archives from 2003, 2004 and 2014 did not show it.