This was a great read. I've never read a time travel story on this site in which someone jumped forward in time.
That said, for anyone else who read the story I do have some questions.
1. Wasn't it weird how Tanya and Patrick ended things? I mean Tanya had met Rabbit before, why did they suddenly fall in love that night? And wasn't it a bit too much to fuck in the adjacent room of her former not-boyfriend? It seemed weird to me that they didn't at least talk to Patrick and Cammie respectively but they seemed cool with it so maybe I just don't really understand that point.
2. Cammie and Patrick were going to different universities at the end of the story (University of Virginia and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute resp.). Isn't that usually a death sentence to relationships on stories here? But it wasn't really talked about or even seen as a problem. Why is that?
3. Also it seemed like a huge oversight that he never told her about his memory loss/ time travel.