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spell wrecker patterns

Remus2 🚫

Does anyone pay attention to this for patterns of commonly screwed up words?
On a read back for a story I'm working on a sentence went from;
"He removed her towl"
"He removed her town"

That would be a near impossible pattern on a normal keyboard given the position of the keys. However, I discovered it entirely possible on a touch pad.

Does anyone else use patterns to proof read their stories?

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son 🚫


Does anyone else use patterns to proof read their stories?

There's an easier way to deal with spellchecker problems. Turn auto correct off. When it flags something as an error, pay attention to the suggested corrections.

Replies:   madnige
madnige 🚫

@Dominions Son

When it flags something as an error, pay attention to the suggested corrections.

... and if relevant add the word to the dictionary for this document only -- but take care, if you add a name for a character or a bit of equipment, that you add it only once as otherwise you'll get unflagged inconsistent spellings (and my browser is flagging 'unflagged' as a spelling error)

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