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Conditions for being a top story

Quasirandom ๐Ÿšซ

What are full conditions for appearing on the Recent Top Stories and Recent Top Serials lists (under Complete Stories)?

From watching things, I've noticed there is some sort of delay, possibly some threshold conditions of number of votes or readers, or possibly just a number of days since completion. But I haven't been able to suss out what.

StarFleet Carl ๐Ÿšซ


Recent Top Stories and Recent Top Serials lists

Pretty much what it says. The story has to have been a top rated story, and once it's completed and within the 30 days after that period, it can show up there. Same thing for the serial. You won't find the same piece on both lists.

ETA to correct my mistypes.

Replies:   Quasirandom
Quasirandom ๐Ÿšซ

@StarFleet Carl

But there seems to be either some sort of either threshold or delay a story has to meet before it makes it on either list. I've seen stories take a few days to get on, and even never appear, even though they have scores well above the lowest on the list (and still be in the 30 days).

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


From watching things, I've noticed there is some sort of delay, possibly some threshold conditions of number of votes or readers, or possibly just a number of days since completion. But I haven't been able to suss out what.

Each list has its conditions listed at its bottom.

Usually, lists sorted by score require 50 votes.

Replies:   Quasirandom
Quasirandom ๐Ÿšซ

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Ah, so there is a threshold. Thanks โ€” I don't think I've actually scrolled all the way down.

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