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Both Parents in Active Military Service

KinkyWinks ๐Ÿšซ

Could this happen??? Both parents be assigned to foreign service in countries not allowing military dependents? What would happen to the kid?

Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


Could this happen???


My daughter-in-law and her previous husband were both in the military on active duty at the same time. She was in the first Iraq war. I'm not sure if he was there too. Their children stayed with her parents.

KinkyWinks ๐Ÿšซ


I suspect that is the way it normally is but, just to be a weird situation, say the family has no relatives. Would the Military have to furnish a family for the child to live with?

Replies:   AmigaClone
AmigaClone ๐Ÿšซ


The parent(s) would have to set up a 'Military Care Plan' as below.

Military Family Care Plans help provide structure and routine for children and spouses during deployment. U.S. Army soldiers who have dependents are required to have a Family Care Plan whether they are single or in a dual-military couple. This plan helps protect their children in the event of sudden deployment orders by appointing a power of attorney, designating appointed legal guardians or caretakers and issuing personal instructions to the person who will be caring for their family in their absence.

My guess is that while the preferred legal guardians is a relative of one of the parents, there are other options - even if the parents have living adult relatives.

I saw another article that indicated that a single parent who refused to have that 'Family Care Plan' would be discharged from the military.

Replies:   KinkyWinks
KinkyWinks ๐Ÿšซ


I guess I wont be using that idea. Thanks, I couldn't find any information when I searched.

Replies:   AmigaClone
AmigaClone ๐Ÿšซ


I actually found that information while looking for 'what happens when a single military parent is deployed?'

As for the military having to provide a family there are two options.

1) alternate universe.
2) Something happening to the legal guardians.

hiltonls16 ๐Ÿšซ


Wes Boyd has a story about a girl in this situation living with her mother's parents. "My Little Pony" with only one strangely coloured equine among lots of 'pony stock cars'.

Replies:   KinkyWinks  ian_macf
KinkyWinks ๐Ÿšซ


I read that story, I think they were both in the same country but only one had a Combat job and I'm not sure about that.

ian_macf ๐Ÿšซ


Neither parent was a combat soldier, both of them in Communications.

Just reread the story, like it.


Paladin_HGWT ๐Ÿšซ


FYI c.2003 during the build up for the Invasion of Iraq there were 2 military parents who had orders to deploy to the theater of (imminent) combat, both officers. I can't recall the husband's MOS, the Wife was an RN.

Another officer who had the exact same MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) volunteered to deploy, so the mother could serve at Madigan Army Medical Center, Fort Lewis, Washington state; near where the family lived.

The armed forces can be (surprisingly) flexible about such matters.

c.2010 a married couple shared an adjacent room in the CHU I was living in. They were good neighbors, never disturbed me during my (too often limited) time to sleep.

Nor did they gossip about the female Marine that would "visit" me. Gossip was an issue, which is why she came to my quarters.

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