I want a blockquote to offset a letter from the rest of the text in a novel. In Word, I defined both the Left and Right Indents to be 0.5" to make it a blockquote (my normal paragraph first line indent is 0.3").
It looks great in Word. When I used the .docx as the input to Calibre to create the .epub it looked just as good. But not when I created the .mobi. With .mobi, the left indent is huge and there is no right indent (basically no blockquote, just a large shift from the left). When I converted to .mobi I chose left justified in the Look & Feel (Calibre's default for .mobi is justified).
I don't know if it's related, but the first line paragraph indent for .mobi is larger than I want and there's another place I use the Left Indent as 0.3" and it's also much bigger than the .epub version.
I don't know what KDP would do when converting my .epub to .mobi, but right now I'm working on Bookapy. With Bookapy, I upload the .mobi version and right now that version is ugly.
Any ideas?