@Switch BlaydeThat how I arrange the H1/H2 and H3 (for Box Sets containing multiple books in a series). But I was hoping for a somewhat simple page-break command, so I wouldn't have a huge block of blank text at the top of the page. In most books I've read, publishers typically have a simple even-numbered page listing "Other Books by ...", that's basically just a blank page with the list of books on it with no descriptions.
Since these would be ebooks, I planned to doing the same, but providing active links back to Bookapy and/or SW.
@Ernest Bywater
I handle the advertising of other books now by having a section at the end where I have a book title and a little about it, then another title and story blurb for a few pages. At the top of the first page I have a H2 heading of 'Also by Ernest Bywater' it all covers 4 pages of the 6 x 9 inch book format I write in and list 23 books which cover 72 stories as it includes some anthologies.
That's what I do, though I put it at the beginning of the book, just after the Acknowledgments with the rest of the front matter.
Yet, after 12 years of publishing, as far as I know, no one's ever clicked one of those links, and while my list is shorter (currently 24 books, though with 10 officially retired), I'm just shy of a third page and figured a single page of titles would probably be better.
By the way, to help ensure they click the link to the next book (either in a series or my latest), a list the name of my next book in a clickable link, with a cover and the first chapter in a Preview, which is much more likely to get clickthroughs.