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Meanings of "Stroke Story"

DiscipleN ๐Ÿšซ

It seems that of the options for level of sex in a story, Stroke Story, has at least a couple very different ways to be interpreted.

1. It's a story only written to get the reader off.

2. It's exceptionally explicit and 'far out' as far as describing sex.

I tend to write stories that bang out all the porn cliche's but in a context that's meant to provoke interesting perspectives on other aspects of life.

I was often picking 'stroke story' for my tales, because of the raw explicitness. From now on, I'll probably choose "much sex."

What does 'stroke story' mean to you, and what do you think it means to most readers?

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


Personally, I won't speak for anyone other than myself.

I would interpret "stroke story" as #1.

Quasirandom ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son


richardshagrin ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son


"A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of your brain is interrupted or reduced, preventing brain tissue from getting oxygen and nutrients. Brain cells begin to die in minutes. A stroke is a medical emergency, and prompt treatment is crucial. Early action can reduce brain damage and other complications."

A stroke story is about such an emergency.

Replies:   Dinsdale
Dinsdale ๐Ÿšซ


I disagree, a stroke story is one which raises the blood pressure and triggers such an event.

Replies:   awnlee jawking
awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ


raises the blood pressure

Oddly enough, sildenafil and other similar drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction are normally prescribed to lower blood pressure.


Replies:   Dinsdale
Dinsdale ๐Ÿšซ

@awnlee jawking

"The Event" I was thinking of would be a Stroke.
Yes, it was a posting by RS I was replying to - off-topic virtually by definition - but I was staying on-topic within that context.

Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


What does 'stroke story' mean to you, and what do you think it means to most readers?

I prefer SOL's original definition of "stroke story." That is has no plot. Basically, it's sex without a real story.

Today, it simply means more sex than a "much sex" story.

Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ


Much sex means that the sex occurs relatively frequently. In a stroke story, basically every chapter focuses on the characters getting together to have sex, regardless of any other supposed plot. So, if you're dreaming of new women for your protagonist to have sex with in each chapter, it's porn. The same as if you spend more time describing the care and cleaning of one's weapon than the reason why they need the gun in the first place, you're essentially writing gun porn, as the guns become the main driving force of the story.

It's not about whether you're trying to capture the characters accurately or not, it's whether sex is the main driving force of the story, and readers turn up looking for a sexcapade in each chapter. However, if you can go for 3 to 5 chapters without ANY sex scenes, then you're not writing a stroke story!

joyR ๐Ÿšซ


What does 'stroke story' mean to you, and what do you think it means to most readers?

So the guy reading the story is masturbating. If the prose between graphic sex scenes are long enough for him to 'soften', then it's not a stroke story.

So the girl reading the stroke story is masturbating. If the story does not build up in intensity until reaching the 'climax', then it's not a stroke story.

Guys just want the mental stimulation to get off, us girls enjoy foreplay. (But we also enjoy masturbating...

To me, a stroke story has just enough detail so you know who is who and the rest is just graphic sex scenes. I like the foreplay leading up, I know guys don't need that.

The only other "rule" for stroke stories actually applies to all stories. Do not repeat the same sex scene over and over. Just don't.

There is a very good author here on SoL who has way too may stories in which the sex scenes are basically identical. I like his stories, I dislike having to skip forward past the same old boring sex scene, which by now I can recite verbatim.

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


I like the foreplay leading up, I know guys don't need that.

We may not need it, that doesn't necessarily mean we object to it.

Replies:   joyR
joyR ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

We may not need it, that doesn't necessarily mean we object to it.

Very true.

There are several Aussie's who engage in foreplay, or as they describe it, "brace yourself Sheila"....

And even a few rednecks, "hold my beer..."

I'll avoid those who consider foreplay as asking their family, "who's next?"


Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


The only other "rule" for stroke stories actually applies to all stories. Do not repeat the same sex scene over and over. Just don't.

And there are authors of Westerns (not necessarily on SOL) that repeat the same gun fight over and over.

Sex scenes aren't in any way a unique problem.

Replies:   joyR  Crumbly Writer
joyR ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

And there are authors of Westerns

Do those who arrived via the Pacific call them "Easterns" ??


Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Sex scenes aren't in any way a unique problem.

Once more: gun porn, SM porn, motorcycle porn, and of course, plain old porn-porn with extra hot sauce poured over for those who've so desensitized themselves, it takes extra help to get over the finish line!

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@Crumbly Writer

Once more: gun porn, SM porn, motorcycle porn, and of course, plain old porn-porn with extra hot sauce poured over for those who've so desensitized themselves, it takes extra help to get over the finish line

Once more: It absolutely doesn't have to be anything porn.

Every genre of fiction as certain types of scenes that recur frequently, searching a scene for clues in a detective/mystery story. It doesn't matter what genre and what type of scene, there are only so many was to write them and they will get cookie cutter repetitive if the author isn't careful.

Replies:   Crumbly Writer
Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Once again, my post got swallowed when I mistakenly hit the wrong button. But ...

As you insist, the -porn suffix has NO relations to pornography, but is the handiest way of signaling a significant story issue. It's used when the story in question has transformed a relatively minor plot detail into the main theme of the story, replacing the protagonist as the lead component of the story moving forward.

It's a common problem, especially among certain 'classes' of authors, most notably among Vets with PTSD, or even reformed gang members with similar recovery issues (where it often takes the form of violence-porn). Writing is a helpful way of dealing with those issues, but they tend to produce the same sorts of stories, which severely limit their exposure.

It's easy enough to spot, and generally, taking the person aside and walking them through the issue, pointing out how it limits their readership, is enough to get them out of the habit/crutch. They can still make their friends comfortable with the story by including it, but they eventually need to move on, relying less upon the crutch and learning to walk again using standard literary techniques.

I've seen amazing things result from relatively simple discussions about those issues, but until it's brought up, most never realize that it's a central limiting factor in their stories. Again, the -porn reference is a handy way of quickly encapsulating the issue (providing you immediately explain why you mean by it).

It's far from porn, but it's so closely related to porn, it's nearly identical. Luckily, it's a relatively easy habit to break, and for those who aren't willing to, it's easy enough to avoid (rather than poking one's own eyes out, which is the immediate alternative!).

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@Crumbly Writer

As you insist, the -porn suffix has NO relations to pornography,

No, that's a complete and total misunderstanding of what I insisted.

It's not about -porn having nothing to do with pornography.

My objection is that X-porn for all possible values of X has absolutely nothing to do with the repetitive scene issue.

This is a potential problem in every genre of fiction and it is a potential problem for authors of all backgrounds.

It can be a problem in stories with no sex porn, no gun porn, no violence porn, no vehicle porn and no -porn of any other type you can think of.

Replies:   Crumbly Writer
Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

My objection is that X-porn for all possible values of X has absolutely nothing to do with the repetitive scene issue.

Ah, now I understand. I was confused by the fact you responded to me, rather than the person who made that point. I wasn't responding to repeating scenes, like cliched gunfights in a western, I was referring to specific details taking attention away from the primary characters and the overall plot, diluting the story and sweeping aside the casual reader (more references to metaphors in another thread).

That's why terminology is so important in these discussion, as you're referring to cliched responses, rather than the -porn situation, where the entire story becomes a vehicle to carry the authors preoccupations, rather than the details enriching the story. It's putting the cart before the horse, or the joke before the pratfall!

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@Crumbly Writer

s you're referring to cliched responses, rather than the -porn situation, where the entire story becomes a vehicle to carry the authors preoccupations, rather than the details enriching the story. It's putting the cart before the horse, or the joke before the pratfall!

And no, that's still not what I'm referring to. My point has absolutely nothing to do with the preoccupations of the author.

If you have a novel length detective mystery, you are necessarily going to have several scenes where the detective searches different locations for physical clues and several scenes where the detective questions potential witnesses.

There are two separate issues that overlap.

1. There is a finite number of ways such scenes can be written. If any author of any skill level is not careful, they can end up essentially writing the same scene over and over.

2. Reader perception: Again, there are only so many ways such scenes can be written. If a reader reads a lot of mystery stories those scenes can start to feel repetitive even if a particular author is not being repetitive.

Now set aside any consideration of any particular genre.

The two problems I outlined above can apply to every type of scene in every genre of fiction by any author of any skill level.

DiscipleN ๐Ÿšซ


So the girl reading the stroke story is masturbating. If the story does not build up in intensity until reaching the 'climax', then it's not a stroke story.

I like to think that my stories build up to their climaxes. That's a goal I strive for, if not always deliver. But you'll see the tag 'slow' on most of them.

I try to keep the story sexually charged while developing the characters and plot. I don't know if you've ever read any of my (fetish level, transgressive sex) stories, joyR, but I'd love to get your feedback about that aspect of them.

Replies:   joyR  Crumbly Writer
joyR ๐Ÿšซ


I don't know if you've every read any of my (fetish level, transgressive sex) stories, joyR, but I'd love to get your feedback about that aspect of them.

Name one and I'll read and send you feedback.


Replies:   DiscipleN
DiscipleN ๐Ÿšซ


Thanks, joyR.

You asked for one. Here's three with notes to inform your choice. (apologies in advance for the poor editing)

I'll be a Mommy's Uncle (gender weirdness, mom/son tale)


Brotherly Ties, Bound Moms (mom/son, BDSM slave training)


Little Chain Gang Bang (interracial rape)


Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ


I like to think that my stories build up to their climaxes. That's a goal I strive for, if not always deliver. But you'll see the tag 'slow' on most of them.

Technically (though you'll need to doublecheck it), 'slow' is NOT a purely sexual keyword, as it merely designates a story (sexual or otherwise) that takes time to develop (i.e. 'contains story and character development of some kind').

But for me, it's much easier getting excited about character you actually care (i.e. give a damn) about, than the typical stud/bimbette who meet in the shower and drop all their clothes at the first opportunity!

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@Crumbly Writer

Technically (though you'll need to doublecheck it), 'slow' is NOT a purely sexual keyword, as it merely designates a story (sexual or otherwise) that takes time to develop

Nope, it specifically says, "there is story and plot development before any sex occurs."

Replies:   Crumbly Writer
Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

Nope, it specifically says, "there is story and plot development before any sex occurs."

Or, in the literary world, there's character development before the sexual developments ruins the story for the majority of readers.

As I stated, I belatedly realized it probably IS a sexual tag, but it's an issue that extends to other types of stories as well, those where the primary action takes time to develop, whether that primary action is sexual, emotional of identifying the murderer in a mystery.

In other words, it's more of a technique (and a squick for those searching for stroke stories), rather than an exclusively sexual hangup.

P.S. I still think of it that way, since most of my earlier stories all delayed the sex scenes until the characters got comfortable enough with each other TO have sex with each other.

Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ


To me, a stroke story has just enough detail so you know who is who and the rest is just graphic sex scenes. I like the foreplay leading up, I know guys don't need that.

Speak for yourself. Since I've long suffered from Type-1 Diabetes-related erection issues, I prefer the 'slow build' stories, the regular sex scenes in the "Much Sex" stories keep the interest level, although it typically takes quite a while to build up to anything.

Unfortunately, for me, at least, the faster-paced stroke story will get me there, but it's an utterly unsatisfying 'unable to continue anymore' ending, rather than a traditional 'happy ending'. For me, they're more of a 'middling ending', at best.

But, speaking of TMI! ;)

Dominions Son:

I like the foreplay leading up, I know guys don't need that.

We may not need it, that doesn't necessarily mean we object to it.

Now that I can relate to, as I prefer a prolonged 'slow simmer' than placing the kettle on a rapid boil. It's much too fast to appreciate, or for the story elements to properly settle and blend throughout the story. And we all know that pleasure deferred is (in many/some? cases) pleasure intensified!

Replies:   joyR
joyR ๐Ÿšซ

@Vincent Berg

Since I've long suffered from Type-1 Diabetes-related erection issues, I prefer the 'slow build' stories, the regular sex scenes in the "Much Sex" stories keep the interest level, although it typically takes quite a while to build up to anything.

I could suggest that you are the exception that proves the rule.


Except that it isn't a 'rule', it is however a common trait amongst many men that foreplay isn't necessary when they 'just want to get off'.

I'm all in favour of that trait becoming a rarity, but until then, my observation is, sadly, correct.

And we all know that pleasure deferred is (in many/some? cases) pleasure intensified!

Again, sadly, not all men know that. I'd agree that it is perhaps becoming more prevalent, but even that isn't universal.

Replies:   Crumbly Writer
Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ


Again, sadly, not all men know that. I'd agree that it is perhaps becoming more prevalent, but even that isn't universal.

Then I'd daresay that they just haven't yet met the proper mistress! ;)

Replies:   richardshagrin
richardshagrin ๐Ÿšซ

@Crumbly Writer

Then I'd daresay that they just haven't yet met the proper mistress! ;)

They need to read Benjamin Franklin's advice. Its one of two of his stories on this site.

richardshagrin ๐Ÿšซ


Catman has another winner with The Dirt Daubers. There isn't much sex. Food porn describes cooking and eating meals. Gun porn talks about various weapons and ammunition and their use. Well now there is earthmoving equipment porn in this story covering bulldozers, graders, bob cats, trailers, and a wide variety of other equipment and how it is used and maintained. I wonder if Lubrican has written a story about Bob cats?

There are real characters who get real jobs done. Its interesting and I liked it.

It flows like other Catman stories. Like an avalanche of information that just keeps going and going like the energizer bunny. Its shorter than his other stories, only two chapters. It is going to lead to another story with these characters that will be set in Belize, where his other (boat) stories were set, mostly.

Lets do the numbers. Plot is an 8, excellent, an A in my grading system. I am not sure I am on top of everything that happened, and it was only two chapters. I liked the characters, and there are plenty of them. Technical Quality is an 8, excellent, an A the way I score things.

Appeal to reviewer is, surprise, another 8. There has been some discussion on the Forum about Catman's approach to reader criticism, basically he is against it. I suggest you don't email him if you didn't like it. If you do, he probably will ask why did you read it? He told us not to.

I think you will like it if you read it, unless you found his earlier stories didn't appeal to you. This is the same sort of thing he wrote before but without the boats.

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