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Any collections or unversies or even series of stories about Super Powers?

Reluctant_Sir ๐Ÿšซ

*sigh* Typo in the header. Hate that.

Preferably an open universe!

I scanned the listings and didn't see anything that jumped out at me. No Supers or Super Powers or just Powers; no Heroes either, or not the kind I imagine.

I have had a hankering to write a super hero story, but not a fanfic or part of an existing DCU or MCU universe. If it is an existing universe, I prefer something here, like the MORFs or Shaddoth's Biomancer (Good story!)

If there isn't an existing universe open for use, would any of the authors be interested in contributing to one if it were created?

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


I haven't created a universe for it, but my Son of Chronos story sets up a world with a lot of costumed heroes.

Son of Chronos isn't a super hero story because the MC is more of an anti-villain.

My story has some extreme kink in it and isn't for everyone. However, I wouldn't object to you or others using the setting and would consider creating an open universe for it if there was interest in it.

Eddie Davidson ๐Ÿšซ

I wouldn't mind seeing something with Harley Quinn and bondage.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@Eddie Davidson

I wouldn't mind seeing something with Harley Quinn and bondage.

The OP is explicitly looking for an original universe, not DC or MC fan fiction.

bk69 ๐Ÿšซ


Talk to Lazarus Valentine and see if he's willing to let you use his universe? (He didn't actually use the 'universe' or 'series' structures for his 'Omega' stories, but...)

I'd have to dig around. There's a number of other superpower stories I remember being outside of fanfic settings. NetWolf did one. Comic Book Hero had a world with only the one superhero, which is sometimes a risk.

Hell, the MC from Pretty CAPable was a fair approximation of the love child of Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne.

I'll ponder and maybe search to find a more 'common superpowers' universes.

Replies:   Reluctant_Sir
Reluctant_Sir ๐Ÿšซ


Dominions Son:
my Son of Chronos story

I'll check it out, see if it works with what I have in mind, thanks!

Lazarus Valentine

I don't know if I have read any of his, but I'll take a look, thanks.

Replies:   Dominions Son  bk69
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


I'll check it out, see if it works with what I have in mind, thanks!

If some of the sex stuff in the story is too much for you, I can send you the details for how the world works separately.

bk69 ๐Ÿšซ


I don't know if I have read any of his, but I'll take a look, thanks.

I think there was three stories in the series?

Anyhow, there's also the 'Smith' universe.

Replies:   Reluctant_Sir
Reluctant_Sir ๐Ÿšซ


I think there was three stories

I actually had read the first but didn't remember it by name; reading the second one now.

CONS: Not much in the way or world building but that is not all bad for a story, but it defeats what I was looking for.

PROS: He killed me with this... caught me unaware and made me spray coffee on my monitor.

Tricia and Annie both looked at the second costume. They squinted, frowned, and slowly tilted their heads all the way sideways simultaneously. It was hardly a costume, and arguably not even a garment. Strips of cloth hung and twisted chaotically on the hanger. Sleeves and loops billowed out randomly, and colors clashed violently.

"What is that?" asked Annie. "It's either a Thneed or a deflated Klein bottle."

Lazarus Valentine. The Omega Path (Kindle Locations 1301-1304). World Literature Company.

Replies:   bk69
bk69 ๐Ÿšซ


Not much in the way or world building but that is not all bad for a story, but it defeats what I was looking for.

Well, he actually did do a fair bit of world building, but hid it in the background. There's ranked levels of superpowers, a superhero organization, complete with legal defense fund, a breakdown in the types of powers that exist. A number of supers either do cameos or are just mentioned in passing. So there's all the structural elements. It's always best to have a universe where you don't play with other writers' characters.

And yeah, Annie was the real star of the series. Even if she never truly had powers of her own.

richardshagrin ๐Ÿšซ

How about a supper hero? (The extra p makes a difference.) He could be a hero at supper time. Perhaps he works at a chocolate factory, Not Hershe but Hehim, chocolate for men, not women.

"12 Characteristics of Heroism
Researchers also do not necessarily agree about the central characteristics that make up heroism. One study published in 2015 in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology suggested that heroes have 12 central traits which are:

Moral integrity

Sounds like a boy scout.

Replies:   bk69  JoeBobMack
bk69 ๐Ÿšซ


Sounds like a boy scout.

The jaded, streetwise waif who usually ends up as a wisecracking sidekick usually refers to the superhero she knows as 'boy scout', so I'm gonna say you're nowhere near the first to make that observation.

Thinking about it... it could be really fun to do a superhero satire. Training classes for new heroes teaching them how to find sidekicks: "Well now, you have a few options. You can just strike up a friendship with a reporter type. Or you hang around downtown at night, checking out the homeless kids for one who seems really cynical, but with a funny streak, even if it's black humor. Or you can even wait until the little girl next door has started to fill out some, and let her 'discover' your secret - without her realizing you made it possible for her to sneak into your base. As a last resort, check with Sidekicks-R-Us or have Central Casting send you someone disposable."

JoeBobMack ๐Ÿšซ


I would add "overtrained" and "capacity to love and be loved" (the latter from the VIA Strengths, viacharacter.org). Research on, for example, firefighters awarded citations for heroism frequently found that they reported simply doing what they had trained for. Fear is an emotional response to a threat that one has no plan to handle. If there's a plan you are trained for and confident in, there can still be risk, but often fear will take a back seat to executing the plan. The MC in Pretty CAPable exemplifies the latter.

As for love, in the moment, soldiers fight for their buddies. The war scenes in Forrest Gump would be an example.

Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ


I have had a hankering to write a super hero story, but not a fanfic or part of an existing DCU or MCU universe. If it is an existing universe, I prefer something here, like the MORFs or Shaddoth's Biomancer (Good story!)

If there isn't an existing universe open for use, would any of the authors be interested in contributing to one if it were created?

I actually already created one. It's called the "Night of Madness" universe.


It is a world where in an unnamed year in the early 21st century, an "unexplained" event caused a small fraction of a percent of humans (and at least 1 animal) to gain mutations that emulate super powers. And they may be anything as benign as the changing of hair color, to a person gaining multiple mutations to include shape shifting, flight, speed, and more.

And I made it open to any that are interested in adding their own stories. If anybody is interested I can include a more detailed "bible", but for the most part I just ask that authors create their own stories. Cameos are allowed, but not do major changes in the characters of others (more or less like the "Thieve's World" anthology was handled).

Reluctant_Sir ๐Ÿšซ


It's called the "Night of Madness" universe

I'll take a look, thanks.

Reluctant_Sir ๐Ÿšซ


"Night of Madness" universe

Just thought I would come back and say I am enjoying BOHICA, there are several aspects I like a lot.

I especially like the 'Control' group; the idea of a group specifically to provide support and a back-office for the frontline heroes.

Replies:   Mushroom
Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ


Just thought I would come back and say I am enjoying BOHICA, there are several aspects I like a lot.

I especially like the 'Control' group; the idea of a group specifically to provide support and a back-office for the frontline heroes.

I am glad you are enjoying it.

I thought that adding such would help make them more stable. Most are like Chris, not able to create things and having infinite wealth like Bruce Wayne. But not wanting to see them at risk to "turning bad" because of poverty, like Spiderman or Rorschach.

Control provides assistance, a steady paycheck, housing if needed, and any special equipment they may need. Simply in exchange for a few hours of service a week. And being "on call" if somebody needs more help.

In essence, it is much like the military. For every 1 Infantryman with a rifle, there are 100 support staff, handling all the other jobs needed to keep them in the field. Control is basically that support staff.

Not everybody can be a genius like Peter Parker and Tony Stark. Control is there to support them, provide special equipment and uniforms, and assistance to keep their identity a secret if needed. That way their only concern is trying to help others.

And depending on where you are at in the story, there is more also. A credit union, a Co-op that functions much like a labor union. Even legal services, insurance and other things. Even a charity that the Paladins themselves set up, entirely run and administered on their own. And their own news service I named snarkily "Paladin Press", after a publishing company that used to publish such books as "Hit Man: A Technical Manual for Independent Contractors", "The Ultimate Sniper", and "The Home Workshop Spy". Most into survivalism might catch that tongue in cheek reference.

karactr ๐Ÿšซ

Check Samantha K's "Dragon Chronical" stories

shaddoth1 ๐Ÿšซ


you can use biomancer's universe. as long as Nate is only briefly mentioned if at that.

including pretty much anywhere on the timeline, before during and after his awakening.


Replies:   Reluctant_Sir  CB
Reluctant_Sir ๐Ÿšซ


you can use biomancer's universe

Thanks! I may take you up on that.

I am not sure yet which path I will take, but it is good to have options!

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


I am not sure yet which path I will take, but it is good to have options!

I you settle on mine, I wouldn't want you using my MC or his inner circle, but you can use any other heroes or villains I've defined.

CB ๐Ÿšซ


shaddoth111/3/2020, 5:44:43 PM
Updated: 11/3/2020, 5:45:56 PM

you can use biomancer's universe. as long as Nate is only briefly mentioned if at that.

including pretty much anywhere on the timeline, before during and after his awakening.


Well done Sir! I was hoping this universe would be released. I'd look forward to reading what others could do in it.

Replies:   shaddoth1
shaddoth1 ๐Ÿšซ


feel free, no credit needed. just have fun


ystokes ๐Ÿšซ

There is Thornfoote's Linda's World.
Linda and her mental posse travel the world mixing golf with Vigilante justice.

bk69 ๐Ÿšซ


Found another universe for superheros... but again, you'd need to talk to the author... SeaLife's Worlds of Light, there's a subset of the series set in a superhero-filled world.

Stultus ๐Ÿšซ

And Soon My Evil Plan Will Be Complete!

This story delves into super-powers a little bit, but it's really an amusingly over-complicated joke about the Evil Overlord trope ;)

Chances Are...

This story has a bit more serious/comic book heroics, but is really mostly a character study about how a petty criminal could become a hero. Common sense is a very under-rated super-power! There will be sequel in this universe at some future date.

Replies:   bk69  Dominions Son
bk69 ๐Ÿšซ


And Soon My Evil Plan Will Be Complete!

I still think that was a classic. But then, I remember seeing the List posted on USENET way back...

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


The OP was not looking for story recommendations, but a universe in which to build an original story of his own.

Reluctant_Sir ๐Ÿšซ

I had already started creating a universe, but I was sort of 'meh' about how it was fleshing out. It was missing something, so I thought I would scrap it if I could find a pre-made universe by one of the great writers here.

There are some good ones, Shaddoth's for instance, but it is a bit dystopic for this particular story. The story I had in mind is a bit more upbeat than I think would fit in his universe, though I AM going to take him up on his offer and write a story just for that take. Too good to pass up.

Mushroom's is good too, and I love his support setup, but... and this is my opinion, not a condemnation, it is a little skimpy on the front end.

I have read a few others that were Earth2, or just too comic book for my tastes. I am still looking, but I pulled my universe building exercise out of the recycle bin and been working on it a bit, just in case.

Heck, I may just steal bits and pieces from all of you! [Insert Evil Laugh Here]

It is not like my universe will be completely unique either, it is still a variation of 'It came from outer space.'

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


I'd be interested in what you thought of mine, as a universe, not the story specifically.

Replies:   Reluctant_Sir
Reluctant_Sir ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

I won't lie to you, the story wasn't my cup of tea, but I was aware going in that some of the stuff was outside my zone, so that was no surprise.

It seemed, to me, like the super power angle, the Spark of Divinity, was just another way to introduce mind control and, through mind control, the domination without consequence aspects.

The "We can't prosecute, so do whatever (except treason)" just furthers that impression. Plot Armor ahoy!

The divine spark root was interesting, but since I only made it until the link to Chronos was uncovered, I didn't see where you were able to wrap that back around to cover an oriental martial artist with lightning magic. Probably with other pantheons, if I had to guess.

I apologize if there is more in-depth world building further into the story as I probably missed it.

A good vehicle for the type of story, but not something I would adopt for the stuff I put out. (I can't say my style, really, as I don't think I have developed an actual style yet!)

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


I won't lie to you, the story wasn't my cup of tea


The "We can't prosecute, so do whatever (except treason)" just furthers that impression. Plot Armor ahoy!

No, just keeping conflict with the government out of the plot. There is another major conflict, just not with the government.

Truth be told, I can't see any way the US government could deal with any kind of real mind control not based in some form of instrumentality without throwing the constitution out the window. It makes sense to me that the feds would be more willing to go there where treason (a direct threat against the government itself) is involved.

The divine spark root was interesting, but since I only made it until the link to Chronos was uncovered, I didn't see where you were able to wrap that back around to cover an oriental martial artist with lightning magic. Probably with other pantheons, if I had to guess.

Yes, other pantheons.

There are only one or two characters other than the MC that I've explicitly tied to a specific deity. However other pantheon's are referenced directly or indirectly.

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