The world is at an end.
The Associated Press has issued a change in the use of hyphens - a hyphen will no longer be required for commonly recognized compound phrases such as "first quarter touchdown."
(The AP Stylebook for 2018 required "first-quarter touchdown.")
The AP Style guru said stripping hyphens from compound phrases is a trend.
UPDATE: Less than a month after telling its own editors and reporters to strip hyphens from commonly recognized phrases, the Associated Press has reversed itself. Many of the AP's largest-circulation newspaper subscribers - the ones who pay them the most money - resisted the change. Since the newspapers did not wish to have two stories in the same newspaper (one from AP and one internally written) using different styles, and since they did not wish to carefully go through each AP story carefully restoring hyphens, they prevailed on AP to reverse course. It's okay to use hyphens again.