Quoting Marlon James ("Black Leopard, Red Wolf"), "Genre is such a ridiculous convention, as ridiculous as the idea of the Great American Novel. Growing up in Jamaica in the '70s and 80s, I never had the privilege of discriminating against books. I grabbed whatever I could borrow, steal or get for free." ...
"I didn't realize I was supposed to view "One Hundred Years of Solitude" as a different kind of work from Gilbert Hernandez's "Palomar" until I entered a lit class. The distinction was and is a stupid one, but it might explain why not nearly enough readers know that "Palomar" is the best American novel of the past 35 years." ...
"Here's the funny thing about so-called genre books: Nobody ever had to teach a crime writer about cultural appropriation or representation of other people. That's an affliction that affects only literary novelists. And scoff at chick lit all you want, but it is the only genre where women work."
So … no separate categories for sci-fi, mystery, romance, et alia?