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Don't you hate it when a series goes off the rails?

Wheezer ๐Ÿšซ

I've been reading a series of books on Kindle - Mike Rawlins and Demon the Dog. It started out as a paranormal adventure, but by book V, the author has moved on from the main paranormal theme and has revealed himself to be a racist bigot of the worst sort. There were hints in the earlier books. I should have paid more attention. :(
I'm no apologist for ANY religion or ethnic group, but this is too much. While the author attacks Muslims (They are ALL terrorists) and the Black Lives Matter movement (Thugs, pimps & gangbangers) he turns a blind eye to the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and Christian extremists. I'm sorry, but this is just shit...

red61544 ๐Ÿšซ


Sounds like a politician I've heard of. "Demon the Dog" would be a good nickname for him!

Friar Dave ๐Ÿšซ


I'm no apologist for ANY religion or ethnic group, but this is too much. While the author attacks Muslims (They are ALL terrorists) and the Black Lives Matter movement (Thugs, pimps & gangbangers) he turns a blind eye to the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and Christian extremists. I'm sorry, but this is just shit...

Not defending anybody here, and not attacking anyone either. I'm only hoping to understand your position here as I've encountered it multiple times in recent years.

In the last few years, any time anybody criticizes islam, which had more than 32,000 documented deadly terrorist acts in its name since 9/11 (https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/), as an ideology that is conducive to extreme intolerance (to say the least), the typical first reply is usually in the form of 'but the christian extremists' or 'but the crusades'.

One can't criticize anything without having to admit some form of guilt first? What's that about? Why can't we discuss a toxic ideology? Why do we have to censor ourselves? Are those protesting the mere discussions simply hedging for a future where islam might dominate and they think they're protecting their future from muslim retaliation? What is it?

For example, the above quote: Christian Extremists? How many terror acts have been conducted in the name of Christ since 9/11?

You could have simply said that the author turned the series into racist shit. That is valid and totally understandable criticism.

Why must you suggest that he isn't allowed because there have been few practically harmless crazy duded on whatever side is he supposed to be on? Is White Guilt so strong that racism against white people is totally acceptable and white people aren't allowed to voice their own concern?

And I say this as a totally non-white person. I was born in Iraq and my skin is dark enough that you can't mistake me for a white person. If I'm allowed to use the phrase 'you people', why are you white people tearing each other down in the face of a hostile ideology?

Replies:   Wheezer
Wheezer ๐Ÿšซ

@Friar Dave

Not defending anybody here, and not attacking anyone either. I'm only hoping to understand your position here as I've encountered it multiple times in recent years.

Simple: Anyone claiming that their religion has the moral high ground over another religion is part of the problem. In this country more mass shootings and killings (total number of separate incidents) has been perpetrated by white Christians than any other group - pre or post 9/11. Besides, if I want to hear a racist bigot spew, I'll just watch the latest video showing the newest ration of shit to come out of Trump's mouth. I definitely do NOT want to pay for it in a book that gave almost no hint of it in the previous four volumes.

Replies:   Jim S  Not_a_ID
Jim S ๐Ÿšซ


In this country more mass shootings and killings (total number of separate incidents) has been perpetrated by white Christians than any other group - pre or post 9/11.

Characterizing the perpetrators of the reported shootings in the US as white Christians is equivalent to characterizing black youths from the inner cities as n****r gangbangers. Be careful when you paint with a wide brush.

Not_a_ID ๐Ÿšซ


Simple: Anyone claiming that their religion has the moral high ground over another religion is part of the problem. In this country more mass shootings and killings (total number of separate incidents) has been perpetrated by white Christians than any other group - pre or post 9/11.

Considering the Untied States has over 330 Million people resident within its borders, and that it both remains majority Christian, and majority white. While the Muslim population in the US as of 2016 was estimated to be about 3.3 Million persons(or 1% of the population).

Further compounding things, is the matter that some of those suicidal "christian" shooters in particular may not have been particularly Christian. For a number of reasons, not every Agnostic and/or Atheist is "out there" proclaiming their religious preferences to even relatively close associates.

Because the reality is, you can go through most of your daily life in the Untied States just fine by simply avoiding the religion topic in general. It also helps keep the evangelical monkeys off your back if you're in that neck of the woods. So if you let them think you might already be "one of theirs" they'll swiftly move on and bother someone else. So there is the "deliberately ambiguous" population set to contend with who have a high probability of having had openly Christian parents who did "officially" affiliate them with Christianity at some point in their past.

The matter that there should also be something in the neighborhood of 50 white ("christian") males for every Muslim male in the United States also plays a significant factor in improving the odds of a White ("Christian") Male being more likely (in general) to open fire on a group of people than a Muslim within the United States.

Of course, this also ignores the problem of the "mass shooting"/"mass killing" criteria that some sites in particular use.

Family involved in a messy (pre)divorce proceeding and the husband goes about killing most/all of the family? Mass Killing! Possibly even a mass shooting if he used a gun to do so.

Someone has finally snapped under the stress at their workplace(or after being fired) or school, and shows up armed to the teeth and out for blood? Mass Shooting.

And statistically speaking, most likely to be carried out by a White Male, who is most likely to be identified as being Christian.

Now that said. When we instead start looking at incidents where an armed individual commences to attack a location where no connection exists between the attacker and either the location or the victims. Statistically speaking, the odds suddenly skew towards Islamic Terrorists, who comprise only 1% of the population in the United States.

So yeah, "Lies, damned lies, and statistics" playing by the odds. IF I'm ever involved in a mass shooting, it's more likely to be a white male carrying out the attack, but its also likely that the attack commenced with a "victim list" in mind and he's going to be seeking them out while he causes other mayhem(and will likely kill himself once he "clears the list" if he isn't stopped by other means first).

However, if the shooter is simply "shooting at people at random" odds are I'm dealing with a terrorist with Islamic leanings. And in that case, the shooter will likely continue until somebody forces him/them to stop.

The grudge shootings/killings are a problem, but it is both the calculated and largely random nature of the Islamic attacks that makes them so disturbing to the public at large.

Jim S ๐Ÿšซ


Don't you hate it when a series goes off the rails?

I'm not sure if your complaint is that the author went "off the rails" or he just disagrees with your politics. A lot of thoughtful people consider radical islam and BLM just as radical (and dangerous) as KKK and other white supremist groups. Just an observation from the outside.....

Replies:   richardshagrin  Wheezer
richardshagrin ๐Ÿšซ

@Jim S

went "off the rails"

I don't mind when a book has a train crash. So often they have a plane crash to start the action instead.

Wheezer ๐Ÿšซ

@Jim S

A lot of thoughtful people consider radical islam and BLM just as radical (and dangerous) as KKK and other white supremist groups

I would be truly surprised to find people who find BLM as dangerous as the KKK. Either or, but not both. I agree that the radical elements of Islam are dangerous. This author's point of view is that the whole damned religion and everyone in it is equally bad. That is no more true of Islam than it is of Christianity or Judaism. ISUS & the Taliban no more represents Islam than the Branch Davidians, KKK and the FLDS represent Christianity.

awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ


BLM as dangerous

As much loved as it was, the British Leyland Mini couldn't be manufactured today. They were tiny things, with none of the safety equipment we take for granted these days like steel cages, crumple zones, airbags, antilock brakes etc. If you drove into something at speed, your legs would likely be crushed by the engine :(


JohnBobMead ๐Ÿšซ


BLM as dangerous

The Sierra Club isn't that fond of the Bureau of Land Management, but on the whole I think they've done fairly well, all things considered. This perspectrive is subject to change, if anything like more dams on the Grand Canyon of the Colorado comes up for discussion...

Replies:   Wheezer
Wheezer ๐Ÿšซ


The Sierra Club isn't that fond of the Bureau of Land Management,

I will put this down to a piss-poor attempt at humor as opposed to ignorance & assuming you completely ignored my original post.

Replies:   JohnBobMead
JohnBobMead ๐Ÿšซ


a piss-poor attempt at humor

It was in the vein of awnlee jawking's use of an alternate meaning of the BLM acronym, linked from your post; the identical text quoted. The post immediately prior to mine.

I didn't see you chastising him for his response.

Same type of humor.

Replies:   Ross at Play  Wheezer
Ross at Play ๐Ÿšซ


... attempt at humor

Keep those coming, please.

Wheezer ๐Ÿšซ


I didn't see you chastising him for his response.

Grinning Dick & Jawkings routinely interject their poor attempts at humor into threads and are easier to ignore.

Not_a_ID ๐Ÿšซ


I would be truly surprised to find people who find BLM as dangerous as the KKK. Either or, but not both.

I think the KKK is functionally irrelevant in today's society. They're dangerous where they have numbers, but they're not any kind of wide-spread or looming threat.

Black Lives Matter is another ball of wax. I am fully convinced that a substantial portion of its core leadership, such as it is, ARE racial supremacists. They just happen to be Black rather than White so they're "Reverse-Racists" as some would term it. So in that respect, as their political power seems to be growing, while the KKK remains irrelevant, BLM is "the bigger threat" not that it is much of a threat either.

That the other typically expected "Social agitators" (socialist, Marxist, Stalinist groups) also have fingers in the pie just adds to the hilarity of the matter with it comes to "Alt-Right" vs BLM and associated left-wing groups. As most of those "Alt-Right" groups actually aren't particular right wing, at least on "the real American Political Spectrum." It just happens that the more ("racial"/"religious") libertarian tendencies of American Conservatives provides them "cover" under which to operate and spew their crap.

Much like some other ("social") libertarian tendencies(re: "Alternative lifestyles") present on the Democratic side and enable some toxic groups over there.

But most of the toxic stuff coming from the Dems has nothing to do with Libertarians and more to do with a weird amalgamation of 19th Century political philosophies and Oligarchs. While the remaining toxicity on the Republican side is simply corporate greed and corruption.

Reality is the "Alt-Right" basically is the National Socialist Party v2.0 and just a fascistic as before. There is nothing conservative, or libertarian about it as it relates to the American Spectrum(where they should be properly classed as left-wing). And they're fighting against BLM and "The Social Justice Warriors" who basically are both shills("useful idiots") for the not-dead-yet international communist movement.

So it's almost like watching Nazi's vs Commies in Germany circa late 1920's in the Untied States at the moment. With it being really weird because the vast majority of Americans are neither Commies, or Nazis and I don't see it really "going anywhere" despite how much the media may try to push the narrative in pursuit of ratings.

And the people who think Trump is a secret Nazi are being retarded, but hey, its what the narrative is so whatever. He IS a bully, he IS an idiot. He is a lot of other less than desirable things. But seriously, people really need to take a few dozen steps back from where they've positioned themselves.

But I doubt that they will, it will be "entertaining" to watch the SJW's go insane when nothing meaningfully changes in the 2018 election cycle for Congress. I fully expect the Republicans will lose a few seats in the House but retain a majority, and gain (net) a couple seats in the Senate further cementing their majority there. Nothing like a "mixed result" that keeps the Republicans in control of Congress to get those activists motivated for 2 more years so the insanity can continue.

And now that I've had my moment on a soapbox, I would also add that without regard to which side of the political axis an author may or may not be on. It is generally a good idea for fiction authors in general to avoid turning their stories into political manifestos. This goes back to show don't tell. When authors go into "manifesto mode" it invariable turns into a whole lot of telling.

Unless you think you can rival George Orwell. But even then, keep in mind that while his comparisons were "obvious enough," he didn't make direct references all the same. As he decided to show instead of telling.

Ross at Play ๐Ÿšซ


While the author attacks ... the Black Lives Matter movement (Thugs, pimps & gangbangers)

THAT is the point I would become offended. I see nothing objectionable in that movement.

Have you considered sending a complaint to Amazon?

They are a business and are entitled to refuse any association with material they consider damaging to their reputation. They take down stuff in a flash if it contains any underage sex. If you believe it is so, why not try telling them you consider these stories constitute hate speech and suggest their interests are best served by refusing to sell them anymore?

Replies:   Wheezer
Wheezer ๐Ÿšซ

@Ross at Play

Have you considered sending a complaint to Amazon?

I asked for a refund. I gave offensive content as the reason. Amazon quickly deleted it from my kindle library. I also gave it a one-star review.

Replies:   Ross at Play
Ross at Play ๐Ÿšซ


I asked for a refund.

As you should.

Amazon quickly deleted it from my kindle library

So now you can no longer quote the sections which were offensive.
I would not leave it there if I felt the way it sounds you feel in your OP. I think I would find a 'Report Abuse' button and send them something.
Without wanting to put words in your mouth, I'd probably say things such as:
* In your opinion it is filled with hate speech,
* I no longer have access to it to quote those sections, but you can find what I mean by searching it for "Muslim", "Islam", "Black Lives Matter", BLM movement", "KKK",
* I suggest suggest you remove all works by this author from sale on the grounds it is damaging to YOUR REPUTATION to be associated with the views it contains.

I AM guessing at your actual opinions here, bt you know what I mean ...

Replies:   Wheezer  samuelmichaels
Wheezer ๐Ÿšซ

@Ross at Play

I AM guessing at your actual opinions here, bt you know what I mean ...

The author has around 44 books listed on Amazon with pretty high review scores. He's found his audience. I've only read the first 4.38 books in this series and none of his other work. Have you ever tried to send anything like you suggested to Amazon? HA! I did leave some specifics in my review and they read reviews before posting.

Replies:   Ross at Play
Ross at Play ๐Ÿšซ


Have you ever tried to send anything like you suggested to Amazon? HA!

Not with Amazon. I have tried sending emails to PayPal and hotmail attempting to resolve issues which do not exactly fit their automated systems. I would recommend to anyone considering that: don't bother; it'll be a waste of time; just find another service.

In your situation, I'd still try. Perhaps include in your complaint, "This is not a complaint about child pornography." :-)

samuelmichaels ๐Ÿšซ

@Ross at Play

* I suggest suggest you remove all works by this author from sale on the grounds it is damaging to YOUR REPUTATION to be associated with the views it contains.

Not sure if this is a good forum to discuss books and authors not associated with SOL or even any other erotic story repositories.

But in general, I find it surprising that on this forum people would advocate censorship in fiction.

Replies:   Ross at Play
Ross at Play ๐Ÿšซ


I would not argue against either of the opinions you expressed.
On this isolated occasion, my opinion remains the same.

richardshagrin ๐Ÿšซ

One's own humor almost always seems funnier. And it was funnier when I thought it than when I said it. Lets not go over the difference between funnier and more fun. (adjective vs. noun). Go have fun and be funnier.

Replies:   JohnBobMead
JohnBobMead ๐Ÿšซ


Truth, that.

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