Thought this interesting, if a bit self-serving. It was released in the monthly Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing newsletter (which I very rarely read).
CreateSpace Resource
Editing Your Book
There are some tried and true editing rules that keep readers focused on the book:
1) Most books undergo at least four rounds of editing. Two editors focus on the plot/main objective, and two correct spelling and punctuation errors.
2) Most books are edited according to The Chicago Manual of Style for style and organization.
3) Editing doesn't mean losing control of your work. With independent publishing, you decide which edits stay or go.
Interested in learning more? CreateSpace offers editing services to help you provide a great reading experience.
As the tag line insinuates, this means the people CS hires out follow the Chicago Manual of Style, and prefer being paid for four complete editing reviews of your book. However, given the figures I've seen on author incomes of late, I doubt there are many Indie Authors who 1) can afford this and 2) who could ever cover the costs incurred in book sales!