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Forum: Author Hangout

Do your characters infest your moods?

Ross at Play 🚫

I have been writing for a character recently and it feels like he has been writing some of my recent posts here.
Poor CW has been the target of a few of his outrageous rants.
Has anyone else noticed that kind of thing happening to them?
Here is a sample of what that guy is like. He's kind of schizoid, flipping between a pompous, ultra-precise academic and a raving lunatic spouting things like this (while delivering a speech to a international conference):
"… the all-too-frequent irritation of pretentious prats thinking they're being "helpful" when they correct other's grammar. I mean, who the bloody hell wants to say 'I' instead of 'me' when they know it's grammatically correct, but they'll end up sounding like (and I damn well refuse to say 'as if' here too) they've got a giant redwood shoved up their arse. (And unlike those sick and twisted, sadistic Americans, I do not approve of giant redwoods being shoved up the rectums of poor innocent donkeys!) … Ahem … And the Subjunctive Mood? Who the fuck is capable of understanding when that should be used, I mean not just recognising it does not sound wrong when they hear it, or accidentally use it themselves."
I would admit this character is definitely a part of me, both of him, it's just I usually don't let him out to play as often?

Replies:   Wheezer
Wheezer 🚫

@Ross at Play

The only thing worse than a grammar Nazi is an anti-grammar Nazi.

Ross at Play 🚫


The only thing worse than a grammar Nazi is an anti-grammar Nazi.

I think I deserved that?
Sometimes I get a bit schizoid about which one to be. :-)

Replies:   richardshagrin
richardshagrin 🚫

@Ross at Play

How about a Homonym Hater? As a subset of Grammar Nazi. Is there another word for homonym that doesn't include h.o.m.o.? In this GLBT (add more initials if you prefer) world, I may not want to use homonym for using a word that sounds the same but is spelled differently. Like rain, reign, rein. Or to, too, two.

Replies:   Vincent Berg
Vincent Berg 🚫


How about a Homonym Hater? As a subset of Grammar Nazi. Is there another word for homonym that doesn't include h.o.m.o.? In this GLBT (add more initials if you prefer) world, I may not want to use homonym for using a word that sounds the same but is spelled differently. Like rain, reign, rein. Or to, too, two.

Homo, short for "homosexual": derived from Latin meaning "same sex [unions]".
Homonymn, derived from Latin also, meaning "Same (or similar) names (words).
The exact same root results in similar names. I doubt even the grammar Nazi's will arrest you for that, since most people understand they're separate words. After all, it's not like we stop reading after the first four letters of any word!

Ernest Bywater 🚫


The only thing worse than a grammar Nazi is an anti-grammar Nazi.

nah the worst thing is when your grammar nazi is your aunt so she's your Aunty Grammar-Nazi

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