@Vincent Berg
to accept your Style definitions (for < b> and < blockquote>),
I no longer use blockquote on SoL because it has a specific layout for it I don't like, so I gave up on that - and now concentrate on using the colour to differentiate for it. I've not yet worked out a way to do the indentation on SoL, but the style sheet code in my first response is the full style sheet listing. Initially I use .c not .center, but that had issues. I also sometimes use the < b > command still, too, although I shouldn't. I'm still learning this by trial and error.
I am aware that you can include a lot more in the style sheet than I do, but what can work at SoL is still limited to the same options as show in the tagged text, just the style sheet is an easier way of marking it, is all. Thus the options for blue, red, green work, but yellow and purple wouldn't work at SoL while they'd work on a normal web page.