@awnlee jawkingI've tried out two services. The first, long ago, limited the SMS size and appended a few words of ad (powered by xxx or similar) - the free service became unavailable at some time, maybe a year after I tried it. You were limited to one free msg per day, or could subscribe to get more, but it could be driven by cURL.. The other was much more recent, only about a couple of years ago, again limited free service and paid options for more; only tried one msg as it was not suitable for what I wanted (it was a web form with adsand bits to make it unsuitable for automation, if you didn't want to pay the subscription). I wanted something I could embed in a script to SMS me if my home network suffered a problem - but, mostly the problems I have are caused by VirginMedia borking the connection to the outside world, which would prevent the SMS getting out anyway.