Many LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers) and other First Responders advise not going out on "Amateur Night" aka New Years Eve!
If you feel you must go out, take a taxi, town car, Uber, etc.
The so called "professional" drinkers, who consume alcohol every Friday and Saturday, if not more often, are dangerous enough. Even if they can "maintain" they still have impaired reflexes and decision making! Ordinary folks who primarily get inebriated at weddings, holidays, and in particular New Years Eve, have caused many LEOs and EMTs, to refer to December 31st as "Amateur Night" for decades.
Of course, Superbowl Sunday, and some other events can be just as bad.
Even if you are walking, or riding in a cab/Uber, you are in danger. Also, drunks starting fights can be a hazard too.
This year, as I have for most years, I am staying home! In my 20's and 30's I would attend an annual party where we would all sleep over, and have a late brunch together in the morning! (Except for the year many of us went Goose Hunting! Several of the guys were in Tuxedoes and Hip-Waders! Several of the Ladies joined us too! More than twenty of us, and we only got three or four geese; but we Entertained our fellow hunters!)