1. How long does it take to go from an idea to a publish-ready story? The answer to that might be how much warning is needed for a contest?
For me, that depends on many things. Sometimes I will knock one out in an hour or so. Others, it has taken me years. Largely that just depends on the length of story.
2. What contests might you participate in?
For me, that would depend on my muse. She rarely strikes me at the particular times in fact. My only "Halloween" story actually came to me in the middle of summer after watching "Harvey".
But I could see many, especially as sometimes thinking of a holiday or event can spawn a story. And other times I have those that would fit well, but as there is no reason to hold it for a month or so I don't bother.
But the theme can be almost anything. A holiday, a song (just imagine the possibilities of "The Lady in Red"), a season change, a genre theme (Western, Sci-fi, crime, mystery, a specific decade, etc). I know for myself, I am always trying to branch into new areas.
I even joked not long ago about writing some "Groot Fan Fiction" for Arbor Day.
3. How many entries make a good contest?
That can depend on the intent. For a "fun contest", as that is not as much of a competition as just writing for fun I would say at least 3 or 4. I have even taken part in writing clubs where each month we had to write on a different theme. The prize was an actual joke (a $1 cup painted gold), the idea was just the fun in writing.
4. Might the authors agree on an annual schedule of contests?
Once again, not sure if that is necessary. One can sit in front of a calendar and figure out a schedule rather easily. But some variety might also be good, as not all readers-authors are from the US.
For example, February is also the Emperor's birthday in Japan. Their equivalent of Valentine's Day is actually in March.
July is American "Independence Day", but also Bastille Day in France.
And there are many that can be used for general themes. "April Fool's Day", Arbor Day, Veterans-Memorial Day, Labor Day, the list just goes on and on. Even the turn of seasons.
5. Would it be adequate to say there will be contests on Holiday1, Holiday2, etc. The rules for each contest will be written and posted x number of weeks before the contest?
I would say a generic one would be good for all, then a simple 1 paragraph addendum for the specific holiday or theme.
6. Would you be willing to help Lazeez to write the rules? Is it possible to keep the rules the same from year to year?
The rules should not be a problem, he already has those. The only issue I would see would be coming up with the themes, and how often to have them.
As for me, I do not "write" for contests. I simply write where my mind goes at the time, and do not try to tailor what I put down for anything other than my own enjoyment (and hopefully that of the readers).
And one of the dangers in "constant contests" with prizes is something I have seen before online. Where you will get a group of "serious writers" who will enter over and over with stories not written for enjoyment, but specifically written to try and win the contest and the prizes. And then you end up with the same people winning over and over again, and even the site often tends to favor specific authors.