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Warning about donor site use

Justin Case 🚫

Not sure if this has been already mentioned here previously, but just in case….

Seems like there may be some mischief afoot.
If you use any of the "donor sites" you might want to be careful.
There are some less-than-honest people who MAY report your SOL writing and try to have your accounts deleted.

I have been busy for the past 48 hours trying to straighten out a FALSE CLAIM that someone made against my Tommy Gunn series.
Seems they reported my story line as one that "promotes or glorifies sexual violence".

I laugh.
If they think a guy who likes to kill rapists is "glorifying" then maybe they need to revisit elementary reading and comprehension classes.

Just be aware that 1) it could happen to you. And 2) SOL is the only venue where I told anyone the "donor site" existed, so it came from here.

Dominions Son 🚫

@Justin Case

And 2) SOL is the only venue where I told anyone the "donor site" existed, so it came from here.

Not necessarily. The user interface isn't all that great and the search functions are fairly basic, but Patreon has tools for potential patrons search and/or browse for creators.

Dicrostonyx 🚫

@Justin Case

It's worth noting that anything posted here will show up in normal Google searches if the right keywords are used.

Also, considering that there's a very well-known porn actor and director named Thomas Gunn, it's entirely possible that someone could search for one thing, see a snippet of your story out of context, and jump to the wrong conclusion.

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