What do you mean with 'scoring by chapter'?
I was replying to P-Bob's description of voting on each chapter. I wouldn't do that. But since I don't read unfinished stories, it doesn't apply to me. I guess I should have said "I wouldn't" rather than "I don't."
Why you stopped reading (bored, ill, dead) doesn't matter, your score as of chapter 17 stands for the whole story.
But it could matter. If a person is rating the most current chapter, the score after Chapter 17, like you say, is for the whole story even if he meant it for only that chapter. I think it was Vincent Berg a long time ago (when he was Crumbly) who claimed he knew what chapters were liked and which weren't because of the voting after that chapter was posted. He claimed the readers were scoring the chapter โ giving him feedback on the chapter.