Help! (Okay, I feel better now)
I'm writing an erotic novel. I finished the rough draft with 10 chapters, 81 (Word) Pages and 42,300 Words Total (so far).
I'm in the process of reading it from the beginning to find the first line of errors/continuity. But I'm seeing that I have over used certain words, and I'm hoping to get idea's for replacements. I've used an urban thesaurus to help with some, but there's still a lot left and I don't want to keep using the same 5 or so words over and over again.
Being erotica, I'm sure you can figure what words I'm talking about. But yes, it words like "cock" and "pussy".
I'm trying to stay away from 'clean' versions, like vagina or penis (just sounds too clinically for erotica) but I also don't want to use words that seem childish. I also want words that every one would know (you wouldn't believe some of the words the urban thesaurus threw at me... about 90% I had no clue what they were talking about).
So please, any help/suggestions would be awesome!!
(PS: I'm also looking for a couple beta readers, if anyone is interested. Each chapter is saved as a separate file, so I can send them individually if needed).