Beter if the MC can overcome his difficulties and try life fullest
The Millionaire Next Door by Lazlo Zalezac is an excellent read. MC has dyslexia,,,
An older protagonist with leg injuries/amputee was a common theme in Mystery Writer's stories - good tales but lacking a good editor.
RLfj's MC is a normal physically fit kid who goes to Iraq. After a last stand of the 'fire mission on my position' type he leaves the military with a bad case of PTSD. With the love of his fiance and friendship of his men he recovers and leads a very successful life:
Harry Carton has two.
MC in 95 has a stroke type brain injury from birth. Still grows up to have a wife and family.
MC is a double amputee vet who keeps on trucking.
Reluctant Sir has a couple where the MC suffers severe child abuse with the resulting mental damage, but grows up to be functional human beings.
Echo is a do-over where he dies and wakes up back in his childhood with his psychotic stepfather and brother:
Dark Days & its sequel has a child who's parents and sister have been murdered, being rescued just before he is murdered. Obviously he is a mental wreck as a result.
Good people help him recover and he sets out to be a better man.
Another story by Reluctant Sir is Unending.
MC is severely injured in a terrorist attack. Story includes his recovery and reconnecting with family.
Joe J's Honky Tonk Hero
"A coming of age story with a twist. Addle-brained Tommy works down at the feed store, stacking Purina and sweeping the floor. A Vietcong rocket scrambled his brains so thoroughly that was all he was capable of... or was it?"
An most excellent and high scored story. I re-read every once in a while.
Judgements by Moghal - MC has autism spectrum (can't remember exact diagnosis)
The Cripple by OldSarge - two major characters with leg injuries
Lazlo Zalezac's Jade Force stories had a major character who was in a wheelchair, and still a commando.
Amateurs by Frostfyre - Triple amputee, missing one eye, with severe PTSD... takes down terrorists in a hurry.
There's also Lazlo's Hunter. Marine has a crippled hand from combat in Iraq and goes on to hunt terrorists for the CIA.
Charles "Chuck" Johnson appears in several of Dual Writer's 'Florida Friends' stories starting with 'Job Hunt' is a medically retired from the Marine Special Forces after losing his right leg just below the knee in Iraq.
Second Chance by Number 7 - DoOver, MC keeps ending up in bodies that have been damaged, the first with multiple aneurisms.
IIRC 2 Flags did a Damsels in Distress series with a MC who'd been paralyzed. Actually, a few authors used that universe to 'heal' MCs who'd been damaged somehow.