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Stroke Story where only MC has sex

Eldof ๐Ÿšซ

Hi ya'll, I'm looking for a good stroke story where the MC is the only man having sex with others.

I've read alot of Lubricans stories, and he seems to always have other men than the MC getting involved. Like Tumblr Sister, Prick van Winkle, Gigolo Series, How the Women Got Plastered and Patrick Got Busted etc. All of these I really liked until other men than MC got involved. Maybe some people like reading about the girls that MC have relations with having sex with other men, but as in my case atleast, I try to live in MCs shoes when I read and maybe I'm just a jealous type but reading about others than MC having sex just kills the mood for me.

In the case of Gigolo, I didn't mind it when the women he slept with mended their relationships with their husbands or when his sister got married, but when a guy has sex "on screen" with 2 of MCs interests I just had to drop it, for the time being atleast. In the case of both the love interests refered to above, aswell as the other wives and his sister, he had no future with any of them, so I don't mind them finding other men as long as it's off screen. But it rankles me to read detailed sex scenes of other characters than the MC. If he'd just written that "Person A and B has started dating Person C" instead of having a 2 chapters long sex scene between them, I'd have been just fine with it.

So I'm looking for stories where the MC is the only man having sex (on-screen atleast, don't remember if Tumblr Sister had side-character sex scenes, but I think that what bothered me more there was that all girls were supposedly in love and in a long term relationship with the MC, and still had sex with the other guy).

So I'm looking for something like The Best of Both Worlds, or a better written version of A Guy and His...? (I haven't actually finished that one though, but it's fit my one-man sex criteria so far), Three Square Meals (again, haven't finished it yet, but it has also fit the criteria so far), or something like Renpets stories.

Basically, if an other man than MC is having sex on screen, don't recommend it (I'm alright with it if it's a harem situation and MCs girls have sex with each other like in The Best of Both Worlds). Thanks for any suggestions!

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


Hi ya'll, I'm looking for a good stroke story where the MC is the only one having sex.

A story about a guy masturbating? Well, I guess that would be a stroke story. :)

Replies:   Eldof
Eldof ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Yeah I could probably have worded that better, edited in "the only man having sex with others" for clarification :)

Hi ya'll, I'm looking for a good stroke story where the MC is the only man having sex with others.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


"the only man having sex with others"

Is that really hard to find? I'm thinking about my own stories with that: Bookstore Encounter; Deceiving my Mother (only Part 1); Forbidden; Girl's Camp; Dressing Room Curtain; The Girl Across the Street; Tara, my Daughter's Friend. That's a large percentage of my stories so I find it hard to believe there aren't many on SOL.

Replies:   Eldof
Eldof ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

That's a large percentage of my stories so I find it hard to believe there aren't many on SOL.

I never said that they don't exist, just like you said, I've read many that fits the bill. I wasn't asking because they can't be found. If someone's asking for recommendations of a romance novel, you don't just tell them that they exist everywhere. I know that they exist but I'm looking for recommendations of stories that people liked. Since there are alot of stories like this on SOL, asking for recommendations is a good way to narrow it down to the good ones in my opinion!

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


asking for recommendations is a good way to narrow it down to the good ones in my opinion!

Oops. Sorry.

Geek of Ages

In general, my stroke stories follow this pattern. There may occasionally be places where the girls involved fool around with each other, but there's generally an absence of other men.

Really, I'm struggling to think of a story of mine (aside from the ones that don't actually have sex per se; check the codes) that doesn't have this property.

Okay, Tag Ciara doesn't, but it's the inverse: a female MC has lots of sex with men with no other girl-on-guy sex onscreen as near as I can remember.

And, obviously, I recommend all of my stories. Except for the ones that have codes you wouldn't like; don't read those, I keep them around for posterity. But all the rest are good. I voted 10 on all of them! XD

Replies:   Eldof
Eldof ๐Ÿšซ

@Geek of Ages

Thanks for your suggestions. I do prefer longer stories though, such as the examples in my original post, but while checking out your other stories I saw that The Runaway has been completed. I've bookmarked that one a couple of months ago, but I wanted to wait until it was done, and I just found out that it is! While it doesn't seem to be a stroke, I'll read it while not in the mood for something raunchy.

Replies:   Geek of Ages
Geek of Ages


Yeah, my stroke stories are short; by the time things get longer, I feel like there's enough non-sex to drop it out of stroke territory. I just can't write a long series of sex scenes like that (believe me, I've tried).

Replies:   Eldof
Eldof ๐Ÿšซ

@Geek of Ages

Yeah, my stroke stories are short; by the time things get longer, I feel like there's enough non-sex to drop it out of stroke territory. I just can't write a long series of sex scenes like that (believe me, I've tried).

Yeah I can see why most stroke stories are very short. It must be a challenge to make a longer story without it getting repetetive or adding the standard angsty drama with love triangles etc. I mean, just check out some of the novella length erotica stories lists on goodreads. It's either a love triangle story or a slow seduction by a "bad boy" male. I don't know how many synopsis' I've read that's in the style of "She knew he was bad news. But something drew her to him etc etc etc". Oh, and all of them will have half naked men on the covers aswell.

So yeah, I can see why good longer erotica is rare.

Eldof ๐Ÿšซ

By the way, when I'm saying that I'm looking for a good stroke story, I don't mean that it has to be tagged as "stroke story" in the sex contents section. I consider stories with "much sex" tag a stroke story. I don't know if stroke story has some special definition, I just personally consider anything with alot of sex in it a stroke story.

Replies:   Geek of Ages
Geek of Ages


My hitchhiker trilogy has a fair amount of sex scenes in it, but there was enough connecting tissue and plot I didn't mark them as stroke. But definitely aside from a little bit of girl-on-girl, it's the MC going around getting a lot of girls pregnant with minimal repercussions.

samuelmichaels ๐Ÿšซ


How about Colt45's stories? Many of them end up with harems -- and no woman sharing.

venom-11 ๐Ÿšซ

That is the exact reason I stopped reading Prick Van Wrinkle and many other stories. I read them if it's a good story but it's not a stroke story anymore.

I would second Colt45, many of his stories are not stroke stories but are worth reading. Joe Joe, Elsol (favorite author) Fantasylover, TechnicDragon are great authors with similar tropes. Six times a day by Spacer X fits your bill.

Replies:   Eldof
Eldof ๐Ÿšซ


I would second Colt45, many of his stories are not stroke stories but are worth reading. Joe Joe, Elsol (favorite author) Fantasylover, TechnicDragon are great authors with similar tropes. Six times a day by Spacer X fits your bill.

I've read Zombies, Werewolves, Vampires, and Other Improbable Things by Elsol and liked it well enough, none of his other stories have really caught my attention, mostly because they all are a bit short for my taste (I prefer stories that are atleast 400kb+ if they arn't in a series). I've heard good things about A Master's Ring but haven't read it because it's marked as incomplete and inactive.

I've read a couple of Joe Js stories aswell. I liked El Paso and POW (Prisoner Of The Widows), I dropped Twice Lucky about 30 chapters in the first book, partly because of the graphic side character sex thing, and partly because the 3rd book is inactive and doesn't seem likely to ever be finished. I will check out Muleskinner Blues and Honkeytonk Hero though.

As for colt45, I've read the stories in the Sea King universe, and loved them. I'll try some of his other stories aswell.

As for Fantasylover, I have kind of a hard time to get into his stories (I've tried The Earl's Man and have paused it about a third in, and Lucky Jim and paused that just 4 chapters in). I just feel like his characterization suffers because he seems to avoid conversations whenever he can. As an example to show you what I mean, from the first chapter in Lucky Jim:

Dad and my brothers were taking advantage of the warmer weather by chopping and splitting firewood when we got there. I took Dad aside and explained what happened, then showed him the money.

Instead of writing out the actual conversation between them, it's just written that they talked to each other. You can usually get a good feel for a character from the way he talk and when you skip out on conversations like this even though they could seem to be menial and unimportant, I find the characters quickly getting very bland. You don't really get witty banter, or intelligent conversations etc to flesh out the characters. Instead, alot of opportunities for the reader to build a connection with the characters are just glossed over. This happens all the time, another example from the first chapter, just to show you that it's not a rare thing:

I told him that I had nearly $2,000 now, and planned to go with my family when they left. Then I asked if I could court and marry his daughter, Emma. I explained that we would be leaving in four weeks or less, so the courtship would have to be quick.

With so many 'skipped' conversations I find it hard to get really invested in his stories. His stories just doesn't feel alive and they feel hurried to me, if that makes sense.

While going through my bookmarks I saw that I have both of TechnicDragons stories started. I don't remember why I dropped either of them, might just have lost interest, so I could try them again.

Lastly Six Times a Day was the first story I read at SOL, so it has a special place in my heart. And to be fair there are a couple of graphic scenes involving other men, but the story is so huge so it's easy to forget that I guess.

Replies:   venom-11
venom-11 ๐Ÿšซ


I have to agree with all your points.

All of Colt45's stories fit your criteria and are awesome. Read Synergy, it is one of my favorite stories on the site. And I like Fantasylover for the world-view, since I am a fan of fantasy stories. All of his stories have the same problem, which you outlined, but they are very well constructed stories, with good plot. His stories and cmsix have the same problem of almost zero development of side characters and great plot.

Another story I would recommend is Play it Again Sam by POL.

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