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Happy family relations

Eldof ๐Ÿšซ

I'm looking for stories with happy families. And I don't mean incest, although I don't mind it if it's a good story and not just a stroke.
What I'm really looking for is stories featuring good family bonds, such as The Grim Reaper, Lady in Red, Unforgettable Weeks, where the families are actually involved with the main characters, more than just existing in the story. And I'd like stories where the families are supporting, rather than stories where the parents doesn't care or are abusive verbaly or physically. Like A Fresh Start. I love that story but it's a good example of what I'm not currently looking for, where the MCs family is a part of the plot, but it's not a happy nor supportive part.

I know that there's probably alot of stories that has happy families, so to narrow it down a bit I'll ask you to not recommend stories with rape, cheating, swinging and gay. Other than that I'm open to most suggestions!

tendertouch ๐Ÿšซ

Sea-Life's Worlds of Light stories. There's a little family tension very early on but it's resolved and thereafter the families are loving and supportive. The stories mostly don't center on the families but they're a part of them.

JRyter's stuff frequently has strong family bonds. Opinions on the story quality vary.

EzzyB's stories feature a couple of loving, supportive families, but they aren't the focus of the stories.

Odd, thinking about the question led me to think just how often a lousy family life is used as a key plot point. I was rereading my longer story and some work that I've done as a sequel and I was reminded that part of it is a story of ironing out the kinks and ending up with a strong, supportive family.

Replies:   Franco  Eldof
Franco ๐Ÿšซ


Tolstoy begins Anna Karenina with this: "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."

If that's true, authors probably find writing about unhappy families makes for more interesting stories.

Eldof ๐Ÿšซ


Sea-Life's Worlds of Light stories. There's a little family tension very early on but it's resolved and thereafter the families are loving and supportive. The stories mostly don't center on the families but they're a part of them.

JRyter's stuff frequently has strong family bonds. Opinions on the story quality vary.

EzzyB's stories feature a couple of loving, supportive families, but they aren't the focus of the stories.

Thanks for your suggestions. I'll check out Sea-Life and EzzyB, but I'm not too keen on JRyter. I tried reading his All American Boy back when I was reading sport stories and while I don't expect a deep plot from a erotica with all the sex tags that the story has, I found it cringeworthy and dropped it about 10 chapters in. Every time he "saluted" I wanted to punch a whole through the screen. When he meets up with his friend, does he wave, greet him, or give him a hand shake? No he salutes him. When he scores on the field, does he offer a high five like someone normally does? No, he salutes his friend. Honestly if all the salutes that was so cringey in the story were exchanged for normal greetings and high fives etc, and if he was a bit more possessive of atleast his girlfriend (encouraging her to have oral sex with another guy comes awfully close to swinging in my book, which I really dislike) I would probably have finished it atleast.

Do you know if his other stuff suffer from the same type of writing? Because All American Boy reads like it was written by a 13 year old, which would be fine since it's from a 13 year olds perspective, so it makes sense that his thoughts are immature and cringey, but everyone around him acts like you would expect them to in a 13 year olds fantasy. They repeatably validates his childish behavior and even tells him that he's as mature as an adult when he more or less is acting like a 6 year old except that he's got a big dick and a big sex drive which apparently makes him mature.

If this is a fair representation of his other work, I don't think I'll pick up anything else by JRyter.

Replies:   tendertouch
tendertouch ๐Ÿšซ


It's a fair representation. Call it a guilty pleasure on my part. I tried editing for him at one point but that really does seem to be his voice and how he wants his stories to read so there's only so much that can be done.

Sure I'd rather read EzzyB or Sea-Life or any of a number of better authors but I find that JRyter's story telling cadence and phrasing has it's own charms sometimes.

LonelyDad ๐Ÿšซ

'Challenge' by Dual Writer

Family of six brothers and sisters whose parents have just died. Everyone is trying to get possession of their farm because it is believed there is oil to be found. Oldest brother and sister marry oldest sister and brother of a neighbor family.

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