Looking for a story in which the author describes sexual acts after the participants use drugs - other than marijuana.
Looking for a story in which the author describes sexual acts after the participants use drugs - other than marijuana.
Bear in mind that very little of what you read will actually be realistic, I would not expect that many authors here to have been recreational drug users. Other than marijuana.
Thanks for the response. I'm looking for a good story. I wouldn't recognize whether it's realistic or not. I've read stories where alcohol lowers inhibitions. I don't care whether the author is a recreational drug user - but maybe some have observed people who are or have been and could write a realistic-sounding story. I can hope.
I've read stories where alcohol lowers inhibitions.
It does. Sometimes with disastrous results. Which is why I no longer drink; personal experience with doing something while drunk that I'd never have done sober. In all justice I should have spent the last twenty years in jail, but the injured party chose not to prosecute.