I am primarily looking for LOOOOONG reads that appeal to me and will hold my interest. I have a list of epic stories that I am constantly re-reading
In dead-tree, I gave a short list in another thread, a few of those are:
Cherryh's Foreigner series - Humans, from a lost colonisation ship, land on a planet with indigenous intelligent natives with a roughly Victorian tech level but loose a war, and are restricted to an island reservation, with only a single person permitted on the mainland, being an ambassador/translator who also regulates how quickly human tech can be released to the natives without destabilising their society - roughly feudal but with assassination a valid legal recourse. Over twenty volumes, AFAIK still being written, I've read the early volumes multiple times; the main character develops from a wet-behind-the-ears recent graduate, through attempted coups, the return of the human faction who decided to stay shipboard and shepherding the Atavi race into space, to being a powerful lord in the Atevi society.
Cherryh's Chanur series is another alien-society storyline, and Cherry's training as a linguist means the aliens each have consistent and distinct 'voices' (where they can be understood at all). Another series I've read multiple times, maybe into the 20's.
Cherryh's Cyteen books are a coming-of-age story crossed with a murder-mystery; two books (the first was published as a trilogy in the USA) which look at how cloning and age-extension interacts with society, especially the extra-solar colonies. I particularly like how she is able to give the main character different voices dependent on her age at the time - there are sections with transcripts of the MC at age 120+ and as a teen, and the contrast is stark (but consistent). Contains references to homosexuality, underage sex, rape of a minor and drug use, but these are just splashes of colour to enhance the picture and show some of the why some characters are as they are. I've read this one maybe 40 times, the sequel (which resolves the murder mystery) only a few, maybe 5.
Another Cherryh series (or trilogy-plus-one) are her Morgaine books, some of the first Cherryh I read (thinking they would be something to do with the Arthurian legend), that read like high fantasy but are actually SF linked lightly to her Alliance-Union universe; also one that I've read multiple times.
All the above, and many of Cherryh's works have strong female MCs, but don't let that put you off - they're all good reads, and generally tie together with others of her works.
Another large trilogy I'd have put on that list if I'd thought of it in time, and also with a strong female MC, is John Varley's Gaea series which covers the exploration then occupation of an artificial structure populated with designed lifeforms (centaurs, angels, zeppelins - large hydrogen-filled blimps that are deathly afraid of fire, buzz-bombs, a large creature that moves slowly along eating vegetation and shitting asphalt which it squashes down to leave a ready-to-use road)
Finally, from here worthy of note are the Jake Fielding Stories from hermit, about 4MB covering the discovery and growth into power of a young boy who was conceived by rape of a girl by a telepath. There is a fourth part mooted, but the story is complete and indeed could be stopped at the end of any of its parts.
Another from here is the Sex Magus series from TechnicDragon, currently posting part six (from the size is probably near complete).