@Ross at Play
It suggests authors start a 'Style Sheet' when writing anything lengthy - and record all style choices they make, for example, spaces around ellipses and dashes or not, words they choose to hyphenate or not, formats for numerical values and abbreviations, etc.
As an editor, that seems a much more reliable way of achieving consistency that for me to look up the monster (CMOS) every time I know there are various options an author could use in situations I encounter.
I handle what's in my Style Sheets the same way I manage my plot outline, I manage to keep everything in my head (while all the other details of my life slowly leak out my ears). However, I never even considered writing them out to give to my editors.
Though frankly, I doubt they'd remember the details, and they wouldn't be likely to reread it each time I present a change to an existing story. As it is, they can't remember that I don't use the serial comma, and keep correcting each as if I keep forgetting.