@awnlee jawkingI mean, thats what half the reviews feel like right now anyway, advertisements for the author. Go read the review for The Amulets of Power V: A New Beginning, its a guy talking up the author and "reviewing" a story he has not read the VAST majority of. He wrote a review which has absolutely fucking nothing to do with the actual story, because he hasn't read the actual story because he was reviewing it before it was fully posted, as he says it was "just starting". This is a review which is COMPLETELY worthless. If these are the people who have reviewing privileges, what is the point? In any sane world, reviewers like this would get removed immediately, but its been an active review on this site for 9 years. This guy literally uploaded a review of the story after reading 2 chapters out of 18. This is why the review system on this site is less than worthless.