@Capt. Zapp
you can't bookmark a specific post
How to bookmark a post:
If the post has a reply, follow the link to the reply then bookmark the '@name' link in the reply.
If it doesn't have a reply but is a reply, follow the '@name' link back, then bookmark the poster's name link.
If it neither has nor is a reply, post a (dummy) reply, bookmark as above, then delete the reply
I'd like a search function; I remember that Lazeez posted some stats about the number of individual pages on the site, but I can't remember what thread it was in - anyone?
Added: Found it:
...but it doesn't quite give me the info I'd hoped for, to see how big a memory stick would be needed to hold the whole of SOL; just that about six chapter/story posts in seven are for a multichapter story, which average about ten chapters. Interestingly, as of now (2016-04-25t19:40), there hasn't been a new post in over 48hr (but 26 updates).